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A fun weekend time to write that paper!

Date:18 May 2015
Author:Tjitske Schokker, first-year UCG student
A fun weekend time to write that paper!
A fun weekend time to write that paper!

66.28 kilometres. Three hours, eighteen minutes and twenty seven seconds and I’m back in Groningen.

It all started when I was planning to write a part of the research paper for my IC2I group while I was staring out of the window. I just came back from a (typical Dutch) camping trip with my boyfriend’s family and friends and so I had to get used to staying inside and studying again. Suddenly the clouds were gone, the sun was shining and I started thinking how I could enjoy the weather. Since I wanted my mountain bike to be in Groningen rather than at my parent’s house, I decided to go biking. Once I left the village where my parents live, and therewith civilisation, I had nothing on my mind any more. No deadlines, no exams, nothing. And now I’m here: back in Groningen. I realise that once again I’ve been using my talent of procrastination and that by now I should really start working on my research paper.

Setting my mind to studying these days can be quite hard due to the many holidays during this time of the year and the many tempting activities that come along with these. A glimpse of sunshine can already set my mind to festivals, sailing and travelling, but I’ll have to wait a couple more weeks before the actual holiday season starts. For now, I’ll take you back to reality. A Sunday evening at about seven o’clock and a lot of things on my to-do list for tomorrow, among which still ‘finishing my part of the research paper’, as well as reading a couple more texts. After taking a break and doing some groceries - whoops, procrastination #3? - I settle myself on the couch with lots of tea and my favourite guilty pleasure: chocolate peanuts.

Two hours, fourteen minutes, ten seconds and about 1000 words are left. I’m ready to finish that paper!