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About us University College Groningen Education Majors Sciences

Mind, Machines and Morality

Major specialisation: Mind, Machines and Morality
Mind, Machines and Morality

Online assistants, targeted advertisements, self-driving cars and smart robots are just a few examples of automated systems that rely heavily on artificial intelligence. At UCG, we believe that, to fully understand how such systems engage with people and influence our society, we must go beyond the traditional core algorithmic focus. Students who focus on Mind, Machines and Morality receive training at the intersection of machine learning, psychology, and philosophy, in order to fully engage with the challenging and rapidly growing field of artificial intelligence.

Innovations in artificial intelligence are built upon the needs of societies, and of the individuals that societies are comprised of. At the same time, these innovations impact people and societies at an unprecedented scale. This orientation aims to train graduates to be able to contribute both to the development of artificial intelligence and to address human and societal issues surrounding these developments.

You will gain a core understanding of how to develop technology, with technical courses including Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. This core will be complemented with psychology and philosophy perspectives, in courses like Understanding Bias, Cognitive Psychology and Ethics, where you will learn how to critically reflection on how big data is biased by the human minds that generate it and on the ethics of decision making. In courses such as Freedom & Responsibility and Meaning and Truth in Language and Art, you will be encouraged to evaluate the implications of newly introduced artificial intelligence into culture, work, learning, and our everyday lives. Engaging in such topics, together with hands-on experience in interdisciplinary projects, will help you navigate through the automatic processes of quantifying, interpreting, predicting, and possibly influencing, behaviour. At the same time, you will retain a focus on the human and societal implications, and hence contribute to this exciting new field in meaningful and critical ways.

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Last modified:25 September 2023 4.31 p.m.