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University Medical Center Groningen

prof. dr. J. (Joke) Fleer

Dean at University College Groningen & Honours College, full professor healthy psychology at University Medical Center Groningen


In the first 15 years of my academic career, I focused on investigating (1) (predictors of) wellbeing and adjustment in people with a chronic illness and (2) the effectiveness of psychological screening- and intervention in reducing distress/depression in chronically ill. Psychological theories on stress-coping and self-regulation guided my work and I used a wide range of different research designs to answer my research questions (e.g. longitudinal, diary, RCTs, qualitative). Since 2015, I also use my research expertise to investigate coping with stress and personal development in the context of (medical) education. This research line is embeded in SCOPE, the UMCG center of expertise on personal leadership development (SCOPE website). I was the initiator and academic lead of the Teaching Academy Groningen (TAG) Community of Practice (CoP) on Wellbeing, aimed at creating a breeding ground for educational knowledge and expertise that helps foster wellbeing among students and staff at the UG (link). In 2024 I was appointed as full professor within the UMCG talent track (impact profile Education), with a focus on stress management and personal development in (medical) students. In 2024 I was also appointed as dean of University College Groningen and Honours College Groningen.

Other positions

Member of UG Recognition & Reward Committee
Last modified:25 October 2024 07.38 a.m.

Contact information

Antonius Deusinglaan 1
9713 AV Groningen
The Netherlands
Hoendiepskade 23-24
The Netherlands

UMCG, Health Psychology, de Brug 5.12

Job title:
Working hours:
Ma. Di. Wo. 09:00 - 17:30; Do. Vrij. 9:00-13.00