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prof. dr. H. (Hanke) Korpershoek

Professor (adjunct) of Educational Sciences, in particular educational innovation and school improvement


School innovation and school improvement, evidence-informed decision making, educational trajectories, choice behaviour, motivation, curiosity, sense of belonging

Other positions

Voorzitter basiseenheid Onderwijswetenschappen, Directeur GION Onderwijs/Onderzoek
VOR Divisie Onderwijs & Samenleving (incl. OOMO) bestuurslid/secretaris
Lid van de Kennisbenuttingsraad NRO
Lid van Deskundigenpanel Studiekeuze123
Voorzitter van de Community of Practice "Research into higher education", Teaching Academy Groningen, University of Groningen
Programmaraad Ontwikkelkracht (Nationaal Groeifonds)
Last modified:21 May 2024 10.32 a.m.

Contact information

Pedagogy and Educational Sciences
