Managing research data

Once you have completed your research, you will need to publish your research data and store it securely. The UG has a number of services that can help in this respect. You can also ask for advice and support regarding data policy and open access data.
Data policy
The Research Data policy of the University of Groningen sets out in more detail University-wide principles for faculties, research institutes, and researchers to comply with in relation to data management and the handling of research data. Its purpose is to ensure research integrity and innovative research supported by Open Science and FAIR data principles. This policy is based on general national and international criteria such as the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and the General Data Protection Regulation.
More information at the Digital Competence Centre
In many cases, faculties and/or institutes have adapted the University-wide policy to their own discipline. See the 'research data policy' page to find the data policy of your faculty or institute.
As a researcher, you have invested a lot of time and energy in your publication and you have generated some valuable findings. In order to ensure that research remains transparent and that research data can be reproduced, the UG wants you to arrange long-term security for your research data. You can do this by storing your data in a safe, well-considered way, in one of the local archives in the systems provided by the UG. The next step may be to provide external access —and ultimately public access— to your data. This is referred to as data publication.
More information and support
Digital Competence Center
Do you need help with matters relating to archiving your research data? This could include storage solutions, compiling a Data Availability Statement, or adding metadata. The Digital Competence Center can help you to archive your research data. Please remember that procedures may differ per faculty, so contact the privacy & security coordinator at your Faculty.
Pure is the UG’s research information system, in which all of the University’s research output is registered: not just articles and other publications, but also datasets, for example, and 'self-developed' software.
More information per faculty
Sharing data
Sharing data
The UG provides several options for sharing research data quickly and safely with colleagues and other researchers. You can share data within and outside the UG.
Further information
Storing, processing, and sending data securely
Before you save your research data, ask yourself the following questions: How big will my dataset be when I’ve completed my research? Who will be working on the data with me? How confidential is my data? How can I ensure that I don’t lose my data? Which technical options does the UG provide for storing my data securely? You will find the answers to these questions on the page of the Digital Competence Center, where you can also find more information about processing and sending data securely. Please remember that procedures may differ per faculty, so contact the Privacy & Security coordinator at your Faculty.
More information per faculty
FAIR data
FAIR data
Researchers are increasingly being asked to publish their research data externally, to make them visible and/or publish them publicly, as well as archiving them within the relevant university. You can share some or all of your research data in a repository, depending on the sensitivity and protection level. The basic principle at the UG is: ‘Share your research data as open as possible, and as closed as necessary’. The application of FAIR data principles, taking data protection and easy access for others into account, is the final step in the life cycle of your research data.
Further information
Do you want to know more about placing research data in a repository? Or do you have a question about open access archiving and sharing research data? More information about publishing data is available on the page of the Digital Competence Centre. Please remember that procedures may differ per faculty, so contact the privacy & security coordinator at your Faculty.
More information per faculty
Last modified: | 16 September 2024 5.00 p.m. |