Research Data Management
Many (but not all) researchers at the Faculty of Law make use of or create data as part of their research process. The data is the evidence that underpins their research and thus forms an important part of their academic work.
Good Research Data Management (RDM) is therefore one of the prime responsibilities of a professional research organization and of the individual researcher.
The Faculty of Law endorses the principles of FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) data management.
The Faculty board has established additional policies and a research data management protocol.
Research Data Management Plan
Researchers should draw up a Research Data Management Plan (RDMP) to determine how they deal with their data.
To support researchers with the drafting of their Research Data Management Plan (RDMP) a Word document template has been developed. This template consists of a series of questions about data and topics about research with human participants or processing of personal data. When all answers have been submitted, a Research Data Management Plan is generated.
By making a RDMP you can determine if you should submit your research design to the CETOR.
Download the RDMP template here
You are very welcome to send your draft RDMP for review to Maarten Goldberg , Privacy & Security coördinator for research and secretary of CETOR.
Publication package for PhD candidates
A personal folder has been created for each GGSL PhD candidate on the Faculty's Y drive: a Publication Package.
This folder meant to store all files related to your dissertation such as text files and other publications, literature, reports and research data.
More information
For all questions, advice and help on data management and data protection in research you are very welcome to contact Maarten Goldberg , Privacy & Security coördinator for research and secretary of CETOR.
Start making a Data Management Plan:
Last modified: | 13 January 2025 5.00 p.m. |