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Publications 2013

• Articles (scientific peer-reviewed):

Goedhart, M.J. (2013). DUDOC als symbiose van onderwijsonderzoek en onderwijspraktijk. Pedagogische Studiën 90, 79-84.

Koeneman, M., Goedhart, M., & Ossevoort, M.A. (2013). Introducing Pre-university Students to Primary Scientific Literature Through Argumentation Analysis. Research in Science Education, 43(5), 2009-2034.

• Professional publications:

Goedhart, M.J. (2013). Over bruggen van onderzoek en onderwijs (1). NVOX 38(2), 64-65.

Goedhart, M.J. (2013). Over bruggen van onderzoek en onderwijs (2).Learning progressions. NVOX 38(7), 334-336.

• PhD thesis:

E. van Lacum (28-06-2013). Reading Primary Literature: Introducing Undergraduate Life Science Students to the Rhetorical Structure of Research Articles. PhD thesis, University of Groningen.

• Conference contributions:

Goedhart, M. (2013, January). Ontwikkeling van academische geletterdheid bij eerstejaars studenten levenswetenschappen. NACV conferentie, Groningen.

Goedhart, M. (2013, July). ICAB: a Dutch interuniversity chemistry lecturers network. Paper presented at EuroVariety conference, Limerick, Ireland.

Goedhart, M., van Lacum, E., Koeneman, M., & Ossevoort, M. (2013, September). A heuristic for reading research articles by university science students: a synthesis of genre analysis and argumentation theory. Paper presented at ESERA conference, Nicosia, Cyprus.

Roorda, G., Vos, F.P., & Goedhart, M.J. (2013). Long-Term Development of students’ repertoire of rate of change procedures. In Lindmeier, A. M. & Heinze, A. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 37th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 5, p. 156. Kiel, Germany: PME.

Ossevoort, M.A., Van Lacum, E.B., & Goedhart, M.J. (2013, August) Improving undergraduate life science students' ability to read and comprehend research articles. Paper presented as part of a symposium entitled 'Using research articles to initiate students into ways of knowing, reasoning and communicating' at EARLI conference, Munchen, Germany.

Ossevoort, M.A., Van Lacum, E.B., & Goedhart, M.J. (2013, September) Undergraduate life science students' ability to identify epistemic levels in argument in a research article. Paper presented at ESERA conference, Nicosia, Cyprus
Last modified:11 July 2023 11.42 a.m.