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Panos Merkouris participates in workshop on Ocean Governance

18 May 2018

On April 19-20th, Prof. Panos Merkouris participated as commentator in the workshop 'Regime Interaction in Ocean Governance: Problems, theories and methods', which took place in Utrecht. This workshop was organized under the auspices of the ERC-funded project 'Accommodating New Interests at Sea: Legal Tools for Sustainable Ocean Governance' (SUSTAINABLEOCEAN) , the principal investigator of which is Prof. Seline Trevisanut.

Prof. Dr Panos Merkouris
Prof. Dr Panos Merkouris

The workshop was aimed at engaging with the general debate on regime interaction in international law and at asking experts and non-experts of the law of the sea to discuss ocean governance issues. Prof. Merkouris gave comments on the presentations in the third panel, which had as a theme “Methods of interaction”.

Prof. Merkouris is also currently conducting his own ERC-funded project 'The Rules of Interpretation of Customary International Law' (TRICI-Law) .

This article was published by the Faculty of Law.

Last modified:18 January 2024 1.39 p.m.

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