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Comparative Tort Law (6 ECTS)

Lecturer(s): prof. mr. dr. A.J. Verheij, prof. dr. S.E. Weishaar, LLM (coordinator)

When: Block 3

Brief course description:
International trade can give rise to liability in tort in many ways. E.g. products manufactured in one country cause damage to consumers in another country, a company is sued for damages caused by a subsidiary. This course covers the most important topics from a comparative perspective. Students are introduced to differences in tort law in various legal systems, especially the English, German and French legal systems. They will be stimulated to reflect upon the different solutions adopted by each of those systems. The teachers of this course will draw on their practical experience to ensure that students will gain useful insights into the realities of litigation.

Teaching method: Lectures

Assessment: Written exam (essay questions) (digital if possible). Bonus points to be achieved in the form of research papers and presentation.

*Official course information and schedules during the academic year can be found in Ocasys.

Last modified:04 April 2023 1.56 p.m.