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Education Master's and PhD degree programmes Youth 0-21 Society and Policy (part-time)
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Youth 0-21 Society and Policy

Our aim is to increase the quality of upbringing, care and education by improving policies and interventions for young people and their social and learning contexts.

Do you want to...
  • explore how interventions can improve the well-being of young people, their families, schools, and communities?
  • learn how to successfully implement interventions in child and youth care and education?
  • discuss the role of research in improving interventions and youth policy?
Then this Master's programme might be just ideal for you! Completing this programme equips you with...
  • state-of-the-art knowledge of youth research, practices, and policy, how they are linked and how they can improve each other;
  • the skills to design, carry out, and evaluate youth policy and interventions using interdisciplinary and international insights;
  • a reflexive, critical attitude towards youth policies, practices and innovations.
Curious? Take the online sample lesson by dr. Tina Kretschmer and dr. Laura Baams.

You can also follow this programme in full-time.
Facts & Figures
MSc in Pedagogical Sciences
Course type
24 months (60 ECTS)
Croho code
Language of instruction
Behavioural and Social Sciences

Why study this programme in Groningen?

Students actively shape their learning in collaborative learning communities and gain valuable work experience during an internship. Strong connections between our department and the practical field help to prepare you for a variety of professional roles. The unique spectrum of research topics and expertise in different methods ensure that the content of the program reflects the state-of-the art in youth research.


The part-time programme is identical to the full-time programme, but is divided over two years. Exactly how that division of subjects is will follow once the programme for 2025/2026 is set.

The track Youth 0-21 Society and Policy consists of 60 ECTS, which breaks down into five mandatory courses (5 ECTS each), one elective course (5 ECTS), an internship (10 ECTS) and the thesis (20 ECTS).
For the elective course, you can choose between In the best interests of the child , Student diversity in the (inclusive) classroom , Citizenship and education in postcolonial societies or Education for a better world .
CoursesCourse Catalog >
Citizenship development and education (elective)
Contemporary Youth Issues
DMCP:using Research to improve Policy and Practice
Education for a better world (elective)
Innovations and Transf. in Youth Care and Edu.
In the best interests of the child (elective)
Master's thesis
Participation and Policy
Research Methods
Student Diversity in the (Inclusive) Classroom (elective)

Please note that while an internship is part of the programme, finding an internship for international students in a Dutch organisation is extremely difficult. For international students, a research-internship at the faculty is therefore most likely.

The part-time programme is identical to the full-time programme, but is divided over two years. Exactly how that division of subjects is will follow once the programme for 2025/2026 is set.

Study abroad

  • Study abroad is unaccommodated

Entry requirements

Admission requirements

Specific requirementsMore information
knowledge minimum

The transcripts show evidence of sufficient courses on:

Research methods for the social sciences (preferably quantitative AND qualitative). Academic disciplinary knowledge on education, developmental psychology, educational psychology, sociology of education, and adjacent fields.

Previous experience with academic writing (e.g., Bachelor thesis), is desirable, but not an entry requirement.

other admission requirements

For more information about the registration procedure, please contact the admission committee: toelatingscommissie.pedok

Transfer options

Transferring from...

Study programmeOrganizationTransition
All Research universitiesVia a pre-master
Academic training primary school teacherAll Research universitiesNo additional requirements
Study programmeOrganizationTransition
All Universities of applied sciences

Via a pre-master

More information:

Met een verwant hbo-diploma moet eerst het schakelprogramma worden gevolgd, zie

Study programmeOrganizationTransition
Pedagogical SciencesUniversity of GroningenNo additional requirements

Registration procedure

Information on registration and deadlines will follow.

Application deadlines

Type of studentDeadlineStart course
Dutch students01 June 202501 September 2025
01 June 202601 September 2026
EU/EEA students01 June 202501 September 2025
01 June 202601 September 2026
non-EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026

Admission requirements

Specific requirementsMore information
previous education

Bachelor in Pedagogical Sciences, Educational Sciences, Social Sciences with compulsory modules on children and adolescents or similarly relevant degrees (e.g., Youth Studies, Special Needs Education), Pre-Master SPO graduates.

knowledge minimum

The transcripts show evidence of sufficient courses on:

Research methods for the social sciences (preferably quantitative AND qualitative). Academic disciplinary knowledge on education, developmental psychology, educational psychology, sociology of education, and adjacent fields.

Previous experience with academic writing (e.g., Bachelor thesis), is desirable, but not an entry requirement.

language test

The official language of the programme is English. Non-native English speakers must provide evidence of satisfactory results for one of the standard tests mentioned below. Official test results must be supplied. Please note, we do not accept Institutional TOEFL results as evidence of English proficiency.

IELTS: overall 6.5; writing 6.5; speaking 6.5 | TOEFL internet-based: overall 90; speaking 22; writing 24 | CAE / CPE: C, B or A | Dutch pre-University diploma (VWO) including English: 5.5 for English |

Registration procedure

Information on registration and deadlines will follow.

Application deadlines

Type of studentDeadlineStart course
Dutch students01 June 202501 September 2025
01 June 202601 September 2026
EU/EEA students01 June 202501 September 2025
01 June 202601 September 2026
non-EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026

Tuition fees

NationalityYearFeeProgramme form
EU/EEA2024-2025€ 1863part-time
EU/EEA2025-2026€ 1914part-time

Practical information for:

After your studies

Job prospects

After completing this Master's program, you will be able to apply for positions in the practical field or in research. Some of your options are:

  • Team coordinator in a child and youth organization where you are responsible for quality assurance and improvement of the work of practitioners by supervising, coordinating, offering support and/or leadership.
  • Quality commissioner of a child and youth organization where you interact with other organizations and researchers to bridge sources of knowledge of good practice.
  • In an Agency for Quality Improvement, where you work with researchers, team coordinators and quality employees of child and youth organizations to monitor and improve the quality of professional practice.
  • Child & youth officer where you work as a member of a team of civil servants with policy makers, child & youth organizations, and agencies for quality improvement.
  • Scientist practitioner where you work with children and their families, and offer support to teachers and other adults who are partners in parenting, and initiate and support activities that stimulate civil society and inclusive education.
  • If working on the thesis inspires you to do more research, you can apply for PhD positions, write your own PhD proposal, or explore possibilities in governmental and non-governmental research agencies.

Career services BSS
Where do you want to work after your studies? You can contact
Career Services already during your studies. They will help you orientate on your career, develop your skills, apply for jobs and find an internship.


Multiple research perspectives and approaches

Many of the teachers in this program are internationally renowned researchers. We are involved in national and international research consortia and organize symposia and workshops such as the International Seminar Series. Our methodological expertise covers qualitative and quantitative techniques including longitudinal studies but also active participatory approaches. Increasingly, these approaches are combined in mixed methods studies to benefit from a plurality of perspectives.

Many of the teachers in this program are internationally renowned researchers. We are involved in national and international research consortia and organize symposia and workshops such as the International Seminar Series. Our methodological expertise covers qualitative and quantitative techniques including longitudinal studies but also active participatory approaches. Increasingly, these approaches are combined in mixed methods studies to benefit from a plurality of perspectives.
Apply nowBrochureEventsContact
Master's Weeksdiverse locatiesMore information


  • Study Advisors Pedagogical Sciences (about the programme, studying)
    Email: studyadvice.peduc
    Telephone: +31 (0)50 363 6301
  • Dr. Pauline Schreuder (Coordinator master programme Youth 0-21, Society and Policy)
    Email: p.r.schreuder
    Telephone: 050 363 6526
  • Admission Office (Contact form) (for students with a non-Dutch diploma)
    Telephone: +31-(0)50 363 8976

Study associations


As a student of the programmes Pedagogical Sciences, Educational Sciences, the AOLB and the Switching Programme of Pedagogy (SPO), you can become a member of ODIOM, the friendly and active study association.
As a member, you benefit from discounts on all required textbooks and receive the newsletter every two weeks. ODIOM has over 800 members and organises a wide range of educational, sporting and social activities every year, such as guest lectures, excursions to pedagogical and educational institutions, the introduction camp for first-year students, trips abroad, get-togethers and parties.
Study support

In the programmes of Pedagogical and Educational Sciences, there is a strong focus on study advice. There are several study advisors are available. You can contact them as a prospective student, current student, or former student of programmes within the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences.

Study advisors can assist you with questions regarding:
• the content of the programme
• planning and organising your studies
• choices during your study
• registrations
• programme regulations
• taking courses outside your programme
• studying abroad

They are also available for personal support.
Don't hesitate to get in touch or make an appointment with one of the study advisors.

For brief questions, please email: studieadvies.pedok
You can make an appointment via the online scheduling system: ,
or by phone through the Student Service Desk: +31 50 3636301