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International Seminar Series: Prof. Ann Phoenix, Children, young people and wellbeing: Addressing the challenges of intersectional diversity

Wanneer:do 06-07-2017 11:00 - 13:00
Waar:Room B0126 (Gadourekzaal)

Children, young people and wellbeing: Addressing the challenges of intersectional diversity

Date: 6 July 2017, 11:00 to 13:00 hours

Venue: Room B0126 (Gadourekzaal). Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences

Entrance free. Limited seats. Register by sending an email to f.middel

Organized by:

Internationalization Faculty BSS

Mastertrack Youth0-21 Society and Policy

Prof. Ann Phoenix

Ann Phoenix is Professor and Co-Director of the Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London. Her research is mainly about social identities and the links between psychological experiences and social processes. She co-directs the Childhood Wellbeing Research Centre funded by the Department for Education and is the Principal Investigator on NOVELLA (Narratives of Varied Everyday Lives and Linked Analyses), an ESRC-Funded node of the National Centre for Research Methods. Her books and special journal issues include: Black, White or Mixed Race? (2002 with Barbara Tizard), Routledge; Young Masculinities (2002, with Stephen Frosh and Rob Pattman), Palgrave; Parenting and Ethnicity (2007 with Fatima Husain), JRF and edited special issues on ‘Intersectionality’ (with Pamela Pattynama, European Journal of Women’s Studies, 2006); ‘Living in Translation: Voicing and Inscribing Women’s Lives and Practices’ (2011, with Kornelia Slavova, European Journal of Women’s Studies) and ‘Multiculturalism, Identity and Family Placement’ (2012, with John Simmonds, Adoption and Fostering).