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A pilot study on the effects of a pull-out enrichment programme on the social-emotional competencies of gifted students in Flanders, Belgium.

Else Beckmann

To answer this research question, a quantitative examination of the effectiveness of an enrichment programme was conducted on the social- emotional competences, measured with the Devereux Student Strength Assessment, using a quasi-experimental pre-, post-, and follow-up AN(C)OVA test design. In addition. Read more..

by: Else Beckmann

A study into the measurability of the effect of the social skills training of the Autism Team Northern-Netherlands of Jonx (Lentis) in young adults with an autism spectrum disorder

Renske van der Wel

A systematic literature study was conducted to determine which outcome measures are important in establishing the effectiveness of the ATN SST, and which instruments can be used to assess these outcome measures. Additionally, to gain more insight into the outcome measures, qualitative in-depth interviews about their experience with the SST were conducted with two participants and three SST-trainers. Read more..

by: Renske van der Wel

Experiences of systems practitioners of families where sibling incest has taken place: a first step to a practice based family systems treatment

Geertje Koehoorn

A multiple case study design has been used, since this allows us to explain the complex subject of this research. Nine practitioners have been interviewed. Their experiences were recorded during semi-structured, episodic interviews. Read more..

by: Geertje Koehoorn

Horse therapy for a child with an autism spectrum disorder, a case study

Merel Marie-Paule Heineman

This study aims to analyze the behavioral changes in a girl who is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) during an intervention called the Horse Boy Method. Children are stimulated in their development by learning and playing. During the intervention, a horse that was specifically trained for this method was used. <read more...>

by: Merel Heineman

The predictive value of early mathematical skills on subsequent mathematical performance / a meta-analysis


Identifying students with mathematical difficulties at an early stage is important to be able to start early with intervention. Little is known about what specific mathematical skills can predict later mathematical performance. Although earlier meta- analyses show that later mathematical performance can be predicted, in these studies only 16 to 23% of the variance was explained by differences on the baseline measurement. <read more>...

by: Andrea Sijp

Comparison: a general or specific problem of children with mathematical difficulties?


About seven to fifteen percent of the children in school have a specific disability within the domain of mathematics. Several studies show a relation between number sense and arithmetic competences. Number sense is the understanding and flexible use of digits and can be studied with digit comparison tasks. Children with arithmetic difficulties usually underperform on these tasks. <read more> ...

by: Joanka Vloo

Last modified:20 June 2024 07.48 a.m.
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