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Heymans Colloquium: Emma Thomas, Pathways to political engagement and extremism: Social interaction and social influence

Wanneer:di 28-05-2013 16:00 - 17:00

LECTURER prof. dr. Emma Thomas (Murdoch University, Australia)

TITLE Pathways to political engagement and extremism: Social interaction and social influence

DATE & TIME Tuesday, 28 May 2013, 16.00 - 17.00 hrs

LOCATION Room M.0074 (Munting building), Grote Kruisstraat 2, Groningen

ABSTRACT The environmental and animal rights contexts are replete with examples where activists use more extreme, potentially illegal or violent, methods to seek redress. How do people come to eschew ‘traditional’ pathways to pursue more extreme, potentially illegal forms of action? How does a sympathetic bystander public view the use of violence and non-violence in social protest? This seminar will consider psychological pathways to political engagement and extremism through the lens of social influence.

For more information you may contact dr. T. (Toon) Kuppens, email address: t.kuppens