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Over ons Faculteit Gedrags- en Maatschappijwetenschappen

Annual BSS Healthy Ageing Symposium

Wanneer:wo 06-11-2013 13:00 - 17:00


Invitation for Researchers and Research Master Students

at the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences

Date: 6 NOVEMBER 2013

Time: 13:00-17:00

Location: 0161-Munting (‘Kouwerzaal’)

Registration: via j.a.a.van.rijsbergen before 25-10-2013.


Healthy Ageing is one of the three priority areas of research at the University of Groningen. At the Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences (GMW) there is considerable expertise on this topic. After a kick-off meeting in November 2011, a healthy ageing network had been initiated at the GMW faculty to bring together researchers from the faculty who share an interest in healthy ageing. This symposium is the second of a yearly symposium series organized by this network.


Inform each other about ongoing work at the faculty, to explore opportunities for future collaborations, and to contribute to the creation of an active Healthy Ageing research community.


During the symposium, researchers from different departments will present their ongoing research projects. Presentations will be short (approximately 10-20 min, depending on the number of presenters) to allow for a substantial amount of time for subsequent discussions. In addition to these presentations, members of the healthy ageing network coordination group will give an update on the current state of affairs and upcoming activities. The symposium will end with a reception at Café Corps de Garde.

Target Group

All interested researchers at the Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences. Ph.D and research master students are welcome.


If you have a current research project related to healthy ageing that you would like to present at the symposium you are kindly asked to contact Monicque Lorist ( ) as soon as possible.


If you want to attend the symposium you are kindly asked to register by sending an email to Ans van Rijsbergen ( j.a.a.van.rijsbergen ) before 25-10-2013.
Please indicate also whether you would like to attend the reception at Corps de Garde starting at 17:00. This will help us with organizing the logistics.

The Coordination Group of the GMW Healthy Ageing Network:

  • prof. dr. Rafael Wittek ( r.p.m.wittek )
  • dr. Nardi Steverink ( b.j.m.steverink )
  • prof. dr. Monicque M. Lorist ( m.m.lorist )
  • dr. Susanne Scheibe ( s.scheibe )
  • Ans van Rijsbergen ( j.a.a.van.rijsbergen )