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From self to social relationships. Martijn van Zomeren

23 mei 2016

From self to social relationships. Martijn van Zomeren

Publisher Cambridge University Press
Number of pages 220
ISBN (Print) 978-11-070-9379-9
State Accepted / In press - 2016

What is it that moves and motivates us in our lives? Martijn van Zomeren proposes social relationships are at the essence of this key question and, in a fascinating investigation into human motivation, he develops a novel and integrative psychological theory termed 'selvations theory'. The theory suggests that we are essentially relational beings that seek to regulate relationships in response to felt changes in our network of relationships (selvations). However, we need to do this in culturally appropriate ways and this is where our culturally construed self comes to be of use. From Self to Social Relationships constitutes a powerful argument about human essence, integrating major theories in and around psychology, which has strong implications for the study and practice of social motivation.

  • Proposes social relationships are at the essence of human motivation
  • Examines how different assumptions have different implications for theory and research on social motivation
  • Discusses clear implications for theory and research, but also for everyday life, health and happiness
Laatst gewijzigd:21 maart 2024 14:34

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