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About us FEB Education Student advisors

The student advisors

From left to right: Morgan Love, Esther de Does, Yaela Weessies, Ilona Sporrel-Hazewinkel, Marieke Dubbelboer, Juliette Kars (no longer working as student advisor), Marthe Baas, Rosanne van Bladeren, Elske Wagenaar (no longer working as student advisor), Roy Raukema (not pictured), Gwendolyn Hooijkaas (not pictured).

The student advisors offer advice and guidance on various study and student related issues, including mental health issues, study problems and personal circumstances. Everything you discuss with a student advisor remains confidential.

We are here to help you with:

Please contact us in case of study problems, mental health issues or extraordinary circumstances that (may) have a severe and/ or long term effect on your studies. For example:
- long term physical or psychological illness of yourself or a loved one
- personal problems
- problems with study skills, doubts, study choice
- a functional impairment. In this case, we kindly ask you to send us your (medical) statement.
Important: for exam facilities for dyslexia and AD(H)D, you can contact the student counsellors.
- questions on study planning, study skills, study doubts, study choices

Last modified:19 December 2024 11.22 a.m.
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