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How do you choose a Master's degree programme that suits you best?

Date:11 October 2023
Students talking about their Master's degree programme choices.
Students talking about their Master's degree programme choices.

Maybe you are in your third year of study, and the moment is nearing when you have to choose a Master's degree programme, or maybe you just like to do things well in advance, and you'd like to already start exploring subsequent degree programmes. Would you like to specialize in your field, or switch, and learn something new? And how do you choose the right degree programme when there is so much on offer

Last year, I was facing the exact same choice, and I can give you some tips on how to find the right Master's degree programme for you. So, if you have broad interests and you sometimes find it hard to make choices, no worries – I've got you! I hope this blog post helps you take the next few steps. To begin with, you are very welcome to join our upcoming Master's Week (20-24 November 2023), where you can find out about all our Master's degree programmes, both in Groningen and in Leeuwarden!

Brainstorm about your interests

Making a list of things you're interested in can help give you a sense of direction in this process. Don't overthink this step; the longer your list is, the more options you will consider. This will help you to gradually narrow it down to what you really like. At this stage, don't think too strategically about your career after your studies, or about what your parents might like you to study. What's important for now is that you find out what you're really interested in. Make a list of disciplines, but also write down whether you would like to study in an international environment, or whether you prefer a Dutch-language degree programme, and whether you want to study at a larger or a smaller faculty. Put your list away for a week, and then have a look at it again: do you still agree with everything you wrote down, or did you forget something? You can always adjust it as needed!

What is your why?

Now that you've listed your preferences, you can start thinking about why you selected these specific interests. What makes these topics or fields more interesting to you than others? And why do you have a preference for a specific kind of faculty? The things that appeal to you are often the easiest to provide arguments for, so this is yet another way of finding out where you belong. By choosing a Master's degree programme based on the topics and aspects that really appeal to you, you make sure that you end up in the right place. You will probably feel at home in this kind of degree programme, among your fellow students and lecturers, and you will also come a step closer to a career that suits you.

The question is: Where do you see yourself in five years’ time? 

I know, I know! I also get really stressed out when people ask me this question, even though I now know a lot better what I want or don't want from a future job than I did a few years ago. So don't stress out! It's really okay if you don't have a concrete answer to this question yet, but it can be really useful to think about your plans for the long term. If you know more or less which direction you want to follow, you can base your decisions on this. For example, I knew that I wanted to work in an international environment and that I enjoyed applying my knowledge in practice. So I looked at a number of degree programmes at different faculties, and I ended up choosing an English-language degree programme (with a mix of Dutch and international students) that included a placement within or outside of the University.

Talk to current students

Current students are a fantastic source of information when it comes to finding the right Master's degree programme for you. They are enrolled in the degree programme you are interested in right now, which means that they know better than anyone what the courses and lecturers are like, and what you should know if you're considering enrolling for this degree programme. Our students can share their experiences with you, give you a good idea of what the degree programme is like, and tell you what an average day looks like and what you can expect. This information can, in turn, help you decide whether this is the right degree programme for you, or whether you would be better off elsewhere. Ask Master's students you know why they chose their degree programme, and what they enjoy and find difficult about it. I personally found this really useful because their answers helped me discover whether their degree programme actually matched what I was looking for. It also gave me information about degree programmes that I would not have considered previously, but that I became interested in because other students were so enthusiastic about them. This gave me many more options to think about, and ultimately led me to enrolling in my current Master's degree programme (the MA in Applied Linguistics, which I can highly recommend!).

Come and join us for the Master's Week on 20-24 November 2023!

The best way to get a sense of the various Master's degree programmes on offer is to join our Master’s Week. During this week, you get the chance to attend presentations, talk to students and lecturers, and ask any questions you may have. That way you find out everything there is to know about the courses and potential placement opportunities, and you get to experience the atmosphere at the Faculty. Our Master's Week takes place in the week of 20-24 November 2023 and will be offered in a hybrid form, with some faculties introducing themselves online, and others live on campus. You can sign up for as many presentations as you like, and I really recommend that you make use of this opportunity. The more options you consider, the easier it will be to find out which degree programmes appeal to you and why. This will help you to make a final decision. Last year, I attended presentations at three different faculties so that I could consider all options. It's also a good idea to know early on which Master's degree programme you want to sign up for, and what the entry requirements for it are. Do you still need to take an entrance exam or submit a portfolio? The sooner you have this information, the more prepared you will be when the time comes.

That was it, my step-by-step plan for choosing a Master's degree programme that suits your interests and qualities. I hope that you find these tips helpful! If you have a good tip yourself, don't hesitate to share it in the comments below so that other students can also benefit from it! Will I see you at our upcoming Master’s Week?


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