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Corporate Academy
Corporate Academy


Low-threshold support from a colleague

Have you recently started working at the UG? Or have you transferred to a different position? Are you looking for a sparring partner? A mentor can offer you extra support in various stages of your career. A mentor is a colleague from a different part of the UG who can provide you with tips and advice based on their own knowledge and experience.


By having conversations with a mentor, you will gain insight into how things work at the UG. Mentoring is a low-threshold, peer-to-peer form of support provided to you voluntarily and unpaid by a colleague. It involves short-term support comprising a maximum of five sessions within a period of roughly six months.


After the mentor programme:
✓ You will know your way within the UG as a new staff member.
✓ You will have gained new knowledge and experience.
✓ You will have grown confidence in your new position.

More information

UG staff members (excluding on-call staff, student assistants, and PhD students*) can request a mentor. Reasons for doing so include:

  • You are a new staff member at the UG.
  • Your position is changing, for example from an executive to a policy role.
  • You are being promoted, for instance from assistant to associate professor.

*PhD students can access an alternative form of support within their own Graduate School.

If you would like more information, to request a mentor, or to become a mentor yourself, please contact: Frederiek van Rij

Last modified:20 December 2023 11.44 a.m.
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