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Education Bachelor's degree programmes Life Science and Technology
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Life Science and Technology

Do you want to use a microscope to study cells, but also understand how the microscope itself works? Do you want to design and synthesize molecules that can target specific molecules, cells or organs? What chemical reactions happen in the body when taking medication? Are you looking for a diversity in courses and a multidisciplinary approach to scientific questions?

In this degree programme in Life Science and Technology (LST) you will learn how to find answers to questions like these. This degree programme combines elements from a variety of disciplines, including chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics/computing sciences and pharmacology. You will learn how to use this knowledge so you can look at problems from different scientific angles.

Our lecturers study the intricate details of living organisms, each with their own perspective. If we want to understand signaling through our nervous system, we must understand electricity and charge differences across biological membranes. If we want to make more effective drugs, we have to understand the chemistry involved in creating drugs – and what happens to those drugs in the body.

These are just a few examples of the things we explore. By the time you start this programme, numerous other new research projects will undoubtedly have started up. You're bound to find something that arouses your interest.

Facts & Figures
BSc in Life Science and Technology
Course type
36 months (180 ECTS)
Croho code
Language of instruction
Science and Engineering
Studie in Cijfers

Why study this programme in Groningen?

  • Life Science and Technology is a combination of different disciplines, including physics, chemistry, and biology with applications extending to biotechnology, health care and business
  • This Bachelor's starts with a broad programme, after which you can make your choice for more specialized directions, like biomolecular sciences, molecular pharmacology, biophysics, and many more
  • Our faculty is the home of the Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry, Ben Feringa, and in Physics, Frits Zernike


CoursesCourse Catalog >
Biochemistry for LST
Calculus for LST
Mammalian Cell Biology
Organic Chemistry for Life Science 1
Pharmaceutical Analysis A
Practical Course Optics and Cell Biology
Principles of Physiology
Programming for Life Sciences
Scientific Reading and Communication Skills


The first year covers basic topics that are essential to the fields of biology, chemistry and physics. You will gain a solid foundation in the principles underlying a wide range of state-of-the-art technologies used in the life sciences and their applications.

The first year starts with courses such as Optics, Biochemistry, Mammalian Cell Biology and practical courses. In the second year you continue with courses covering the breadth of the natural sciences, such as Bioinorganic Chemistry, Spectroscopic Tools, and Applied Microbiology. During the third year, students can choose courses from a variety of disciplines to prepare for a Master's degree programme. These disciplines include pharmaceutical sciences, biology, chemistry, and physics. You will complete your Bachelor's programme with a research project in the speciality of your choice. Outstanding students can deepen and broaden their knowledge with an additional programme offered by the University of Groningen Honours College.

You can find a complete overview of all courses on:

A Bachelor's degree consists of 180 ECTS in total. Credits per year: 60 ECTS; most courses are 5 ECTS.

Please be advised that students of the Faculty of Science and Engineering are expected to adhere to our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy, ensuring seamless integration of personal electronic devices for academic purposes. For more detailed information on our BYOD policy, please visit our webpage.

Study abroad

  • Study abroad is optional
  • Maximum of 30 EC

Entry requirements

Admissible Dutch diploma profiles

  • VWO Natuur & Techniek
  • VWO Natuur & Gezondheid

    wiskunde B + natuurkunde

  • VWO Economie & Maatschappij

    wiskunde B + natuurkunde + scheikunde

  • VWO Cultuur & Maatschappij

    wiskunde B + natuurkunde + scheikunde

Admission requirements

Specific requirementsMore information
language test

Language proficiency certificate for English (except for applicants with a Dutch pre-university education (VWO) as well as the exemptions listed on the language exemptions webpage). More info:

other admission requirements

Before you apply!

When you cannot fulfil the vwo requirement, due to deficient profile or if you want to be admitted on the basis of a successfully passed first year of HBO or colloquium doctum, you need to submit an additional admission request via the Admission Board Bachelor programmes. Please go to this website for more information.

Participation in the matching process is a mandatory step within the application procedure. More information about matching can be found via this link.

Choice of degree programme check

The degree programme will organize a matching procedure. Although the advice is not binding participation is compulsory. More information about matching:

Application deadlines

Type of studentDeadlineStart course
Dutch students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026
EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026
non-EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026

Choice of degree programme check

More information about matching:

Admission requirements

Specific requirementsMore information
previous education

Secondary education equivalent to Dutch pre-university education (vwo) is required.

A list of qualifications that are considered equivalent to pre-university education in the Netherlands can be found here:

If you have any questions concerning admission to the programme, please contact our Admissions Office:

additional subject

Sufficient background knowledge in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics is required.

The Admissions Board will determine whether your background knowledge in these subjects is sufficient to start the Bachelor's degree programme of your choice.

language test

You will need to submit proof of English proficiency in accordance with the requirements of the Faculty of Science and Engineering. Please find our English language requirements (exemptions, IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge and more) on this page:

other admission requirements

Please note! The admissions procedure is independent of the matching procedure. Information about the matching procedure can be found here .

Registration procedure

The Admissions Board will decide whether you can be admitted to the Bachelor's degree programme. Applications are evaluated on a continuous basis. You do not have to wait until the application deadline to apply.

Application deadlines

Type of studentDeadlineStart course
Dutch students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026
EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026
non-EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026

Tuition fees

NationalityYearFeeProgramme form
EU/EEA2024-2025€ 2530full-time
non-EU/EEA2024-2025€ 19300full-time
EU/EEA2025-2026€ 2601full-time
non-EU/EEA2025-2026€ 19800full-time

Practical information for:

After your studies

Job prospects

During the Life Science & Technology programme, you will develop a scientific way of thinking that you will use to solve practical problems. This analytical perspective is useful in all kinds of work, so you will have plenty of career options after graduating.

After the Bachelor's programme you can move on to one of the Master's programmes in Chemistry, Biomolecular Sciences, Physics, Medical Pharmaceutical Sciences or Energy and Environmental Sciences. Within these Master's degree programmes, you can do research projects or internships in fields that interest you. For better examples of job prospects, check the information offered by Master's degree programmes at FSE.

Academic research

A lot of graduates become researchers, either for a short while or as a long-term career. The type of research will depend on the discipline you specialize in. You can ask lecturers about their own research. They all love what they do and will be happy to help students who are interested in their particular discipline. The research you end up doing will depend on what themes are topical at that moment, and of course what interests you!

Business, Policy, or Education

There are many other options in addition to becoming a researcher. Several Master’s degree programmes can help you prepare for a job outside of academic research. The Science Business & Policy track trains you for a job in a company or a governmental organization. With Science Education and Communication, you can become a teacher or a science journalist.

Both technology and society change rapidly in ways we can’t predict. Chances are that by the time you graduate with a Master’s degree programme, you end up with a job that doesn’t even exist yet.

Job examples

  • Researcher
  • Biomedical technologist
  • Policy advisor
  • Product developer
  • Health advisor
  • Information officer
  • Lecturer/teacher


Our Bachelor's degree programme in Life Science and Technology is connected to the following research institutes of the University of Groningen:

GBB - Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute

GBB is a center for top-noted research and teaching in biomolecular sciences, hosting the subdisciplines biochemistry, bioinformatics, biophysical chemistry, cell biology, chemical biology, enzymology, genetics, microbiology and systems biology.

The vision of GBB is to conduct transformative fundamental research on biomolecules and cellular systems to allow engineering of genetic circuits, metabolites, proteins/enzymes and cells for discovery and application. Theirresearch impacts upon mankind by providing solutions to urgent societal challenges in (microbial) biotechnology and health.

The twelve research groups in the institute currently center on the two focal areas ‘Molecular Mechanisms of Biological Processes’ and ‘Physiology and Systems Biology’. While the first focuses on generating molecular understanding of biomolecules (genes, metabolites, lipids, proteins) and complex machineries, the second area aims at attaining understanding of microbial (prokaryotic and eukaryotic) and mammalian cells at the systems level. Together they lay the foundation for the understanding of a living cell as well as the engineering of complex molecular and cellular systems or even synthetic cells.

Stratingh Institute for Chemistry

The mission of the Stratingh Institute for Chemistry is to perform excellent research and teaching in molecular and supramolecular chemistry. Core activities in the chemical sciences such as bioorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, molecular inorganic chemistry and molecular materials chemistry are embedded in the institute. The research programme is focussed on synthesis, catalysis, functional materials, bio-organic chemistry/chemical biology and systems chemistry/complex molecular systems.

Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials

The core mission of the Zernike institute for Advanced Materials is to combine physics, chemistry and biology approaches to study how biological and functional materials "work". Several groups focus on biophysical topics: studying how life "works" on the molecular level, but also how things go wrong in the case of disease. Their main driving force is the desire to understand what happens at the microscopic level, down to the molecular and atomic scale (nanoscience). Research topics include the creation of "green" and biomaterials, spectroscopic analysis of the structure and motion of biological molecules, molecular and cellular imaging methods, computer modeling of (disordered) proteins, and studies of self-assembly and aggregation in biology.

GRIP – Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy

Researchers at GRIP strive to find new and innovative drugs and therapies and wish to improve the use of existing drugs. GRIP’s research ambition is to contribute to the entire field of the pharmaceutical sciences, from basic areas such as chemical analysis and synthesis to pharmaceutical practice and patient-oriented research. Bridging the gap between the fundamental natural sciences (such as chemistry and physics) and the medical/clinical sciences in the field of medicinal products is one of the core activities of the institute. Knowledge from different research disciplines is combined in the design and evaluation of optimal drugs, products and therapies that are being made available to society. Our research is of high societal impact with several drugs or related products developed in-house on the market or in clinical trials, several spin-offs, a strong portfolio of patents and research that contributes directly to healthcare policy making.

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Student for a day - Life Science and TechnologyMore information
Bachelor's Open Daydiverse locatiesMore information


  • Academic Advisors FSE
  • Ask Our Students! (Like to talk about the programme and student life with someone currently studying LST?)
    Email: lststudents
  • Study Science (For general questions for all prospective students)
    Email: studyscience

Study associations

GLV Idun

Groninger LevenswetenschappenVereniging Idun is the study association for Biology, Life Science & Technology, Biomedical Engineering, and their connecting master programs.
The association organises various activities, from social activities, like our weekly drinks, or even traveling abroad. In addition, Idun also organizes career/education-related activities like company visits and lunch lectures. GLV Idun contributes to a fun student time by bringing students together, and preparing her members for their career ahead!
(Binding) study advice
  • A minimum of 45 EC in the first 12 months (binding)

Aan het einde van je eerste studiejaar krijg je een bindend studieadvies. Je krijgt een positief studieadvies als je minimaal 45 ECTS hebt gehaald (op een totaal van 60 ECTS; de meeste vakken zijn 5 ECTS). Bij een negatief studieadvies (minder dan 45 ECTS) mag je helaas niet doorgaan met de opleiding.

Om ervoor te zorgen dat je precies weet waar je staat, krijg je al in december een voorlopig studieadvies. Heb je vragen over het bindend studieadvies of over je studievoortgang, neem dan zo snel mogelijk contact op met je studieadviseur.

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