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Kretschmer, Prof. Tina

Tina Kretschmer
Tina Kretschmer

Prof. Tina Kretschmer studied Pedagogical Sciences at the Freie Universität Berlin and obtained her PhD in developmental psychology at the University of Sussex. Currently, Kretschmer is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, in the department of Pedagogical and Educational Sciences. She conducts research into how the social behaviour of young people is influenced by our DNA and the environmental factors surrounding us while we grow up. Our behaviour, as well as the position we hold within a social group, is influenced by our genetics.

In her research, Kretschmer is focusing on the interaction between the characteristics determined by our cells and external factors that influence the manners in which young people behave, and which positions they take up in a group. Gaining insight into these domains help us not only to explain the behaviour of adolescents, but also to better understand what young people need in their social development.

Since 2018, Kretschmer has been part of the Young Academy Groningen (YAG), of which she became chair in 2021. In this group, she is dedicated to increasing professional development opportunities for early-career academics and is focusing on the role played by the University within its regional context. Under her leadership, the YAG published a report on harassment in academia. Kretschmer is also a fellow of the Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health.

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Last modified:04 September 2024 2.49 p.m.
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