Steg, Prof. Linda

Linda Steg (1965) is Professor of Environmental Psychology. She studied Adult Education at the University of Groningen and has worked at the Netherlands Institute for Social Research in The Hague. In 1996 she gained her PhD at the University of Groningen with a thesis entitled ‘Gedragsverandering ter vermindering van het autogebruik’ [Behavioural change to reduce car use]. Steg focuses on the interaction between people and their environment – how does the environment influence people’s behaviour and wellbeing, how do people influence the quality of nature and the environment, and how can environmentally-friendly behaviour be promoted?
Steg’s research focuses on matters such as the behavioural-scientific explanation of domestic energy use, stimulating energy savings, the acceptance of environmental policy and the effects of policy and environmental conditions on people’s wellbeing. As part of a major study being conducted by the European Energy Research Alliance, she is studying public opinion on shale gas. She was a member of the research committee involved in the report on sustainable behaviour which was presented to State Secretary Mansveld in 2014. In 2017 she has been elected as member of the KNAW, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.
In 2020 Steg has been awarded the Stevin Prize, one of the two highest scientific distinctions in the Netherlands. The Stevin Prize focuses on societal impact of research. Professor Steg will receive € 2.5 million to use in scientific research.
Steg is one of the authors of the third IPCC report, which was published in April 2022.
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Last modified: | 17 December 2024 10.39 a.m. |