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Haartsen, prof. dr. Tialda

Tialda Haartsen
Tialda Haartsen

Tialda Haartsen is Professor of Rural Geography at the Faculty of Spatial Sciences. She is interested in what the countryside means to people. The central theme in her research is how the meanings of rural places and a sense of belonging influence the spatial behaviour of individuals and families, and how they explain responses to changes in rural places.

Haartsen has always felt connected to life in the countryside. ‘What has always fascinated me is the sense of belonging among many people in the countryside. I’ve also always felt that myself: the feeling that you have roots in a certain area, that you belong there.’ As Haartsen stated in her oration, she hopes that her appointment as Professor of Rural Geography will ‘contribute to maintaining the liveability of the countryside in the context of the many spatial changes that are in store.’


Gao, Y., Adaawen, S., & Haartsen, T. (2025). ‘I am Here to Peidu’: Children's Education as a Motive for Women's Return Migration. Population, Space and Place, 31(1), Article e2876.


van der Kloet, H. T., Bulder, E. A. M., Groote, P. D., & Haartsen, T. (2024). ‘No way! I'll stay! Who will get me out of here?’ House attachment and staying intentions of homeowners with a damaged dwelling in a rural risk area. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 100, Article 104148.
Rundel, C., Salemink, K., & Haartsen, T. (2024). The potential of local online shopping platforms for villages and small and medium-sized towns. Journal of Rural Studies, 112, Article 103422.


Bjarnason, T., & Haartsen, T. (2024). Closest family in the household or in the community? The role of family in residential satisfaction among intended stayers in Iceland. Population, Space and Place, 30(3), Article e2714.
Ferguson, S., Haartsen, T., Steinführer, A., & Catney, G. (2024). The role of non-resident family ties in rural staying. Population, Space and Place, 30(3), Article e2708.
Christiaanse, S., Haartsen, T., & Venhorst, V. (2023). Aversion to loss of place: The endowment effect for local facilities. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 91, Article 102101.
Lengerer, F., Haartsen, T., & Steinführer, A. (2023). Exploring Justice in the Process of Redesigning Local Development Strategies for LEADER: Representation, Distribution, and Recognition. World, 4(1), 56-79.
Rundel, C., Haartsen, T., Bjarnadóttir, B., Gkotsi, I., Þrastardóttir, B., Gregori, L., Gunnþórsdóttir, H., Palau Salvador, G., Quirke, W., Sigþórsson, R., Svanbjörnsdóttir, B. M., & van der Werff, E. (2023). Island Schools: Policy Briefings for Island Schools. Island Schools.
Hofstede, H., Salemink, K., & Haartsen, T. (2023). The journey of staying: A transitional and mobility perspective on the staying rural preferences of rural young adults. Sociologia Ruralis, 63(4), 947-968.
van der Kloet, H. T., Bulder, E. A. M., & Haartsen, T. (2023). ‘To buy or not to buy a home in a rural risk area’ by mid-to-later life home purchasers. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 38, 2031–2057.


Hofstede, H., Salemink, K., & Haartsen, T. (2023). Beyond the (im)mobility and social-environmental dichotomy: Young adults' motives to reside in rural northwest Europe. Population, Space and Place, 29(4), Article e32.
Merx, E., Haartsen, T., Edzes, A., van Lanen, S., & Meij, E. (2022). De invloed van migratie op armoede en de sociaaleconomische structuur van de Veenkoloniën. Sociaal Bestek, 2022(1).
Ulceluse, M., Bock, B., & Haartsen, T. (2022). Immigration, spatial inequality and place attractiveness. Population, Space and Place, 28(8), Article e2616.
van Wingerden, A., & Haartsen, T. (2022). Investeer in woningen in krimpgebieden. Geografie, (8), 16-18.
Haartsen, T., & Bock, B. (2022). Is de krimp in Noord-Nederland voorbij? En wat dan? Dagblad van het Noorden, 2022.
Bock, B., & Haartsen, T. (2022). Is Noord-Nederland de krimp voorbij? En wat dan? Leeuwarder Courant, 2022.
Haartsen, T. (2022). Rural Geography Revisited: Op zoek naar de geografie in het platteland. (Inaugural Lectures). University of Groningen Press.
Meij, E., van Lanen, S., Merx, E., Edzes, A., & Haartsen, T. (2022). Terug naar de basis voor een effectieve aanpak van (generatie)armoede: Zes randvoorwaarden. Sociaal Bestek, 84(6).
Hofstede, H., Salemink, K., & Haartsen, T. (2022). The appreciation of rural areas and their contribution to young adults’ staying expectations. Journal of Rural Studies, 95, 148-159.
Lengerer, F., Steinführer, A., & Haartsen, T. (2022). To participate, or not to participate – That is the question. (Non-)participation of older residents in rural communities. Journal of Rural Studies, 91, 47-57.


Mærsk, E., Thuesen, A. A., & Haartsen, T. (2023). Symbolic mobility capital to fight the social stigma of staying: how young adults re-imagine narratives of ‘leaving’ during higher education. Journal of Youth Studies, 26(2), 153-169.
Ulceluse, M., Bock, B., & Haartsen, T. (2022). A tale of three villages: Local housing policies, well-being and encounters between residents and immigrants. Population, Space and Place, 28(8), Article e2467.
Haartsen, T., & Gieling, J. (2021). Dealing with the loss of the village supermarket: The perceived effects two years after closure. Sociologia Ruralis, 61(3), 561-577.
Hofstede, H., Haartsen, T., & Tiemersma-van der Wal, J. (2021). De diversiteit van blijvers in Oost-Groningen. AGORA Magazine, 2021(3), 6-9.
Thissen, F., Loopmans, M., Strijker, D., & Haartsen, T. (2021). Guest editorial: Changing villages; what about people? Journal of Rural Studies, 87, 423-430.
Maersk, E., Sørensen, J. F. L., Thuesen, A. A., & Haartsen, T. (2021). Staying for the benefits: Location‐specific insider advantages for geographically immobile students in higher education . Population Space and Place, 27(4), Article e2442.
Bjarnason, T., Haartsen, T., Arnarsson, A. M., & Sigurgeirsdottir, V. (2021). The impact of school bullying on adolescent migration expectations in Iceland. Population, Space and Place, 27(4), Article e2422.
Meij, E., Haartsen, T., & Meijering, L. (2021). The time and place of social mixing: Everyday rhythms of long-term residents and newcomers in a Dutch neighborhood. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 39(8), 1809-1826.
Johannesdottir, G. B., Bjarnason, T., Stockdale, A., & Haartsen, T. (2021). What's love got to do with it? Love-life gossip and migration intentions in rural Iceland. Journal of Rural Studies, 87, 236-242.
Bock, B., & Haartsen, T. (2021). Who is afraid of population decline? The Struggle of Keeping Rural Depopulation on the Dutch Agenda. AGER: ournal of Depopulation and Rural Development Studies, 33, 35-56.


Meerstra-de Haan, E., Meier, S., Bulder, E., & Haartsen, T. (2020). ‘At some point it has been enough’ - Processes of perceived failure of citizens’ initiatives. Sociologia Ruralis, 60(1), 260-283.
Meij, E., Haartsen, T., & Meijering, L. (2020). Enduring rural poverty: Stigma, class practices and social networks in a town in the Groninger Veenkoloniën. Journal of Rural Studies, 79, 226-234.
Meij, E., Haartsen, T., & Meijering, L. (2020). ‘Everywhere they are trying to hide poverty. I hate it!’: Spatial practices of the urban poor in Calgary, Canada. Geoforum, 117, 206-215.
Christiaanse, S., & Haartsen, T. (2020). Experiencing place-change: A shared sense of loss after closure of village facilities. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 69, Article 101432.
Ubels, H., Bock, B., & Haartsen, T. (2020). Non-engagement of Mid-aged and Elderly Residents in Rural Civic Livability Initiatives. Rural Sociology, 85(3), 730-756.
Haartsen, T., & Strijker, D. (2020). Teilhabe in ländlichen Räumen der Niederlande: Perspektiven auf Erfolg und Risikos von Bürgerinitiativen und ehrenamtlicher Partizipation. In S. Meier, & K. Schlenker (Eds.), Teilhabe und Raum: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven (pp. 155-168). (Beiträge zur Sozialraumforschung; Vol. 21). Verlag Barbara Budrich.


Ubels, H., Haartsen, T., & Bock, B. (2022). Social innovation and community-focussed civic initiatives in the context of rural depopulation: for everybody by everybody? Project Ulrum 2034. Journal of Rural Studies, 93, 176-186.
Meerstra-de Haan, E., Haartsen, T., Meier, S., & Strijker, D. (2020). An Initiators' Perspective on the Continuity of Citizens' Initiatives in Rural Areas. Rural Sociology, 85(1), 213-234.
Ubels, H., Bock, B., & Haartsen, T. (2019). An evolutionary perspective on experimental local governance arrangements with local governments and residents in Dutch rural areas of depopulation. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 37(7), 1277-1295.
Folmer, A., Haartsen, T., & Huigen, P. P. P. (2019). How ordinary wildlife makes local green places special. Landscape Research, 44(4), 393-403.
Ubels, H., Bock, B. B., & Haartsen, T. (2019). The Dynamics of Self‐Governance Capacity: The Dutch Rural Civic Initiative ‘Project Ulrum 2034'. Sociologia Ruralis, 59(4), 763-788.


Gieling, J., Haartsen, T., Vermeij, L., & Strijker, D. (2019). Out of love for the village? How general and selective forms of attachment to the village explain volunteering in Dutch community life. Journal of Rural Studies, 71, 181-188.
Gieling, J., Haartsen, T., & Vermeij, L. (2019). Village Facilities and Social Place Attachment in the Rural Netherlands. Rural Sociology, 84(1), 66-92.
Haartsen, T., & Thissen, F. (2018). 100 jaar Zuiderzeewerken: Spiegel van een veranderend Nederland. Geografie, (6), 34-38.
Stockdale, A., & Haartsen, T. (2018). Editorial introduction: Putting rural stayers in the spotlight. Population, Space and Place, 24(4), Article e2124.
Haartsen, T., & Thissen, F. (2018). Physical and Social Engineering in the Dutch Polders: The Case of the Noordoostpolder . In R. Jones, & A. M. A. Diniz (Eds.), Twentieth Century Land Settlement Schemes (pp. 159-178). CRC Press.
Haartsen, T., & Stockdale, A. (2018). S/elective belonging: how rural newcomer families with children become stayers. Population Space and Place, 24(4), Article e2137.
Stockdale, A., Theunissen, N., & Haartsen, T. (2018). Staying in a state of flux: A life course perspective on the diverse staying processes of rural young adults. Population Space and Place, 24(8), Article e2139.
Christiaanse, S., Haartsen, T., Ijdema, S., Hoitsma, A., & Stutterheim, E. (2018). Voorzieningen-Wijs: Een serious game voor vraagstukken over voorzieningen, in opdracht van de regio Noardwest Fryslân. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen.


de Haan, E., Haartsen, T., Meier, S., & Strijker, D. (2019). Understanding the success of rural citizens' initiatives: Perspectives of founders. Journal of Rural Studies, 70, 207-214.
de Haan, E., Meier, S., Haartsen, T., & Strijker, D. (2018). Defining ‘Success’ of Local Citizens’ Initiatives in Maintaining Public Services in Rural Areas: A Professional's Perspective. Sociologia Ruralis, 58(2), 312-330.
Gieling, J., Vermeij, L., & Haartsen, T. (2017). Beyond the local-newcomer divide: Village attachment in the era of mobilities. Journal of Rural Studies, 55, 237-247.
Haartsen, T., & Gieling, J. (2017). Gevolgen sluiting SPAR Ulrum 2 jaar later. Nieuwsbrief / Kennisnetwerk Krimp Noord-Nederland.
Haartsen, T., & Stockdale, A. (2017). S/elective belonging: how rural newcomer families with children become stayers. In K. Svels (Ed.), Congress Proceedings XXVII European Society for Rural Sociology Congress (pp. 35-36). Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University.
Gieling, J., de Vries, I., & Haartsen, T. (2017). Subjectieve leefbaarheid: een nieuwe meetmethode getest. Rooilijn, 50(3), 172-179.
Christiaanse, S., & Haartsen, T. (2017). The influence of symbolic and emotional meanings of rural facilities on reactions to closure: The case of the village supermarket. Journal of Rural Studies, 54, 326-336.
Elshof, H., Haartsen, T., van Wissen, L., & Mulder, C. H. (2017). The influence of village attractiveness on flows of movers in a declining rural region. Journal of Rural Studies, 56, 39-52.
Gieling, J., Haartsen, T., & Vermeij, L. (2017). Village facilities and social place attachment in the rural Netherlands. In K. Svels (Ed.), Congress Proceedings XXVII European Society for Rural Sociology Congress (pp. 26-27). Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University.


Jeuring, J., & Haartsen, T. (2017). Destination Branding by Residents: The Role of Perceived Responsibility in Positive and Negative Word-of-Mouth. Tourism Planning & Development, 14(2), 240-259.
Gieling, J., & Haartsen, T. (2017). Liveable Villages: The Relationship between Volunteering and Liveability in the Perceptions of Rural Residents. Sociologia Ruralis, 57(S1), 576-597.
Jeuring, J. H. G., & Haartsen, T. (2017). The challenge of proximity: the (un)attractiveness of near-home tourism destinations. Tourism Geographies, 19(1), 118-141.
Christiaanse, S., Haartsen, T., van der Veen, E., & de Vries, W. (2016). Bereikbare Voorzieningen in Noardwest Fryslân: Een onderzoek naar de huidige en toekomstige ontwikkeling van voorzieningen. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen.
Haartsen, T., Christiaanse, S., & Puister, C. (2016). De gevolgen van het verdwijnen van de lokale supermarket voor de inwoners van Ulrum, Groningen. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen.
Bosworth, G., Rizzo, F., Marquardt, D., Strijker, D., Haartsen, T., & Aagaard Thuesen, A. (2016). Identifying social innovations in European local rural development initiatives. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 29(4), 442-461.
de Vries, W. M., van der Veen, E., Bock, B. B., Christiaanse, S., & Haartsen, T. (2016). The perceived importance of facilities for rural citizens in Fryslân, the Netherlands. Sociologia e politiche sociali, 19(3), 119-137.
Folmer, A., Haartsen, T., Buijs, A., & Huigen, P. P. P. (2016). Wildlife and flora and the perceived attractiveness of green places: A comparison between local and national green places. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 16, 16–23.


Bijker, R. A., Haartsen, T., & Strijker, D. (2015). How people move to rural areas: Insights in the residential search process from a diary approach. Journal of Rural Studies, 38, 77-88.
Haartsen, T., & Hooimeijer, P. (2015). Migratie en Ruimte. In D. Baalman (Ed.), Ruimtelijke Kwaliteit in Ontwikkeling (pp. 24-39). Het Oversticht.
Haartsen, T., Harkink, M. I., van der Veen, L., & Rosegaar, M. (2015). Reizen voor ambities? Onderzoek naar de rol van openbaar vervoer bij de keuze van vervolgonderwijs in Fryslân. Bureau PAU.
de Haan, E., & Haartsen, T. (2015). Succespercepties van burgerinitiatieven in Randland. Rooilijn, 48(4), 296-301.
Elshof, H., Haartsen, T., & Mulder, C. H. (2015). Window on the Netherlands: The effect of primary school absence and closure on inward and outward flows of families. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 106(5), 625-635.


Haartsen, T., Krikke, P., Hooimeijer, P., & van Waveren, H. (2014). Grenzen aan de krimp: Toespitsing Interbestuurlijk Actieplan Bevolkingsdaling Noodzakelijk. Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties.
Haartsen, T., & de Bakker, M. (2014). Naar een regionaal voorzieningenspreidingsmodel in Noord-Oost Fryslân 2020-2030. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen.
Haartsen, T., & Thissen, F. (2014). The success-failure dichotomy revisited: young adults' motives to return to their rural home region. Children's Geographies, 12(1), 87-101.
Haartsen, T. (2014). Zit de burger te wachten op krimpsubsidie?. Web publication/site, Friesch Dagblad.


Haartsen, T. (2013). Avontuurlijke vertrekkers en gewortelde blijvers. Rooilijn, 46(2), 33-36.
Haartsen, T. (2013). Besluitvorming over basisschoolsluitingen is veel te traag. Web publication/site, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
Haartsen, T. (2013). Bewoners van krimpgemeenten moeten zelf beslissen of school dicht. Web publication/site
Bijker, R. A., Haartsen, T., & Strijker, D. (2013). Different Areas, Different People? Migration to Popular and Less-Popular Rural Areas in the Netherlands. Population Space and Place, 19(5), 580-593.
Folmer, A., Haartsen, T., & Huigen, P. P. P. (2013). Explaining Emotional Attachment to a Protected Area by Visitors' Perceived Importance of Seeing Wildlife, Behavioral Connections with Nature and Sociodemographics. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 18(6), 435-449. Article 3.
Folmer, A., Haartsen, T., & Huigen, P. P. P. (2013). The Role of Wildlife in Emotional Attachment to a Nature-Based Tourism Destination. Journal of Ecotourism, 12(3), 131-145.
Borgman, S., & Haartsen, T. (2013). Wolfsburg Volkswagenstad: Identiteiten van de lopende band. Geografie, 22(9), 14-15.


van Dam, K. I. M., Huijink, J., & Haartsen, T. (2012). Beter een duur kopje koffie dan helemaal geen koffie. Noorderbreedte, 35(1), 6 - 11.
Haartsen, T., & Van Wissen, L. (2012). Causes and consequences of regional population decline for primary schools. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 103(4), 487-496.
van Leeuwe, M., & Haartsen, T. (2012). Dynamics as key value of the Wadden Sea Region. Ocean & Coastal Management, 68, 1-3.
Bijker, R. A., Haartsen, T., & Strijker, D. (2012). Migration to less-popular rural areas in the Netherlands: Exploring the motivations. Journal of Rural Studies, 28(4), 490-498.
Bijker, R. A., & Haartsen, T. (2012). More than Counter-urbanisation: Migration to Popular and Less-popular Rural Areas in the Netherlands. Population Space and Place, 18(5), 643-657.


Bijker, R. A., & Haartsen, T. (2011, May 20). Migration to popular and less-popular rural areas in the Netherlands: a comparison of the characteristics and motivations of migrants.
Bijker, R. A., Haartsen, T., & Strijker, D. (2011). Onderzoek nieuwe inwoners Aa en Hunze. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen.
Bijker, R. A., Haartsen, T., & Strijker, D. (2011). Onderzoek nieuwe inwoners De Marne. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen.
Bijker, R. A., Haartsen, T., & Strijker, D. (2011). Onderzoek nieuwe inwoners Ferwerderadiel. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen.
Bijker, R. A., Haartsen, T., & Strijker, D. (2011). Onderzoek nieuwe inwoners Menterwolde. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen.
Bijker, R. A., Haartsen, T., & Strijker, D. (2011). Onderzoek nieuwe inwoners Reiderland. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen.
Bijker, R. A., Haartsen, T., & Strijker, D. (2011). Onderzoek nieuwe inwoners Westerveld. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen.
Bijker, R. A., Haartsen, T., & Strijker, D. (2011). Onderzoek nieuwe inwoners Wymbritseradiel. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen.


Haartsen, T. (2010). Broedplaats Wongema. Noorderbreedte, 34(2), 4.
Bijker, R. A., & Haartsen, T. (2010). Hét platteland bestaat niet: verschillende verhuisbewegingen naar en binnen het Noord-Nederlandse platteland. Demos, 26(1), 6 - 8.
Haartsen, T. (2010). Hoofd in de wolken, voeten in de klei. Noorderbreedte, 34(3), 66 - 67.
Strijker, D., & Haartsen, T. (2010). Jongerenketen: bier of ontmoeting? MO/Samenlevingsopbouw, 29(225), 20 - 22.
Haartsen, T. (2010). Krimpnieuws. Noorderbreedte, 34(3), 5.
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