Pilot Projects
A Pilot Project is a research project with a period of 2 to 12 months, with a workload of 6 ECTS. During a Pilot Project a (BSc) student experiences the full cycle of research, from developing a research question to writing a final report under the guidance of an experienced supervisor. Above all, the JSM Programme aims for these projects to be an inspiring experience for both the students and supervisors.
The Pilot Projects are student driven, meaning that all information is shared in detail via Brightspace. Students gain access to the Brightspace course site by enrolling for a Pilot Project in Progress. The most recent forms for the application, midterm and final report can be found there, as well as instruction documents for the practical procedures. Students should also share this information with their (potential) supervisors.
Supervisors of Pilot Projects support and mentor the student throughout the empirical cycle from the application phase to the final report. Students rely on the expert guidance and feedback from supervisors to learn how to conduct research.
Finding and offering projects: OnStage Vacaturebank
To find a research project, students are invited to get in touch with (potential) supervisors within the UMCG themselves. Besides this, Pilot Projects can now also be found and offered on OnStage Vacaturebank. Supervisors can offer new Pilot Projects via the Education ambassador of the department. If there’s any need for assistance, you’re welcome to email the JSM Programme at j.s.masterclass umcg.nl.
Last modified: | 09 September 2024 3.36 p.m. |