Teaching and timetable
Personal account
After enrolling for the Bachelor of Medicine through Studielink, you received an e-mail with instructions about a username and password, representing your personal computer account of the University of Groningen. The username is identical to your student number, preceded by the letter ‘s’. Your personal account provides access to the university computer applications, such as the Student Portal (Brightspace) and the Google Apps. Please follow the instructions in the email to activate your account, also check if your account is working correctly.
Visit Brighspace via http:/brightspace.rug.nl and log in with your account. If you experience problems, please contact ICT Support.
Student Portal (Brightspace)
The Faculty uses a digital learning environment: Brightspace. Here, you can find almost all of the available information regarding your degree programme. We also use Brightspace to publish announcements. In the week before the start of your studies, we will activate the Brightspace courses and you will receive your first notification. Please, read this announcement carefully, to start your studies well prepared.
Google mail
You get access to the university's Google Apps (mail, drive, meet and agenda) via googleapps.rug.nl. You use your Gmail for communication with lecturers and fellow students and to receive important (Brightspace) announcements. Check your email daily from one week before the start of your studies.
More information about the Google Apps and other IT Basics (e.g. WiFi, Printing) can be found here: IT Basics - EDU Support (rug.nl).
Binding Study Advice: the BSA system
The UG applies binding (negative) study advice (BSA). This means that your study results are subject to requirements. In the first year, you must earn at least 45 out of 60 ECTS credit points in order to be allowed to continue with the degree programme.
More information can be found on study info.
You can find the list of required textbooks here. You can order your books via the study association for Medicine, Medische Faculteitsvereniging (M.F.V.) Panacea.
For all first-year students of Medicine, the academic year will start on 4 September 2024.
You can view your timetable here.
Go to the top-right corner and select the academic year 2024 - 2025.
Select ‘programmes’.
Select the Faculty: Medical Sciences.
Type the programme name: GNK (after this, you can select your learning community) Year 1 Semester I.
• Bear in mind that this timetable is not yet definite. A lot of the teaching for the degree programme in Medicine is given by physicians from the UMCG. Their availability is dependent on their tasks at the hospital. As soon as the schedule for a course unit becomes definite, it will be indicated in the timetable. We will try to do this as soon as possible so that you can make your study schedules.
• In the first year of the programme, evening classes (from 6 to 8 p.m.) are held twice per week.
• There are two teaching-free periods: the winter and summer holidays.
Through ProgressWWW you have to sign up for your classes by following the instructions below
Log in and go to: enrolling – menus- “Medische Wetenschappen” – “Geneeskunde” – Bachelor – “jaar 1” – Choose your LC – Semester 1
Now you can register for the classes that are listed in semester 1:
Oorzaken van ziekten B1 (Causes of Diseases B1)
Competentie ontwikkeling (your LC) B1 (Competence development)
After registration in ProgressWWW you will get access to all the information in Brightspace. This information will be up to date around half of August.
Functional impairment
If a student needs an adapted learning environment as a result of a chronic functional impairment or learning disorder, an appointment must be made with a student counsellor before the start of the academic year. The student counsellor and the student will discuss the nature of the impairment and the student’s learning history, and the student counsellor will assess whether the requested adaptations can be sufficiently supported by statements from experts. On this basis, the student counsellor can draw up a statement for the department or the relevant Board of Examiners indicating which adaptations are desirable or essential. Read more.
General privacy statement at the RUG
Information concerning your privacy you can find here.
Last modified: | 12 November 2024 4.22 p.m. |