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Visit UCG

Open Day : 8 November 2024
Visit University College Groningen in real life during the Open Day! You will learn all about the Liberal Arts and Sciences, you will tour the campus building and living facilities and you will meet our students, lecturers and other staff members. Don't forget to register for one of the information sessions!

Digital UCG: 2-6 December 2024
The Digital UCG week helps you in gathering as much knowledge as you need from your own homes. You may have questions such as:

  • What can I expect during the first year?
  • What are the classes like?
  • What does project-based education actually mean?
  • What it is like being a student at UCG?

The answer are provided to you at the Digital UCG week. During the week we offer a variety of online seminars covering different topics such as student life, career perspectives or internship possibilities.

Student for a Day: every week from September to May
Get a feel for the programme by becoming a Student for a Day. You'll spend part of a day with a UCG student who will meet you at the UCG campus in the center of Groningen. During your visit you will attend a class or project workshop of your choice and tour the campus building. It will provide you with a true experience of what student life is like at UCG and creates a good opportunity to chat with current UCG students. The Student for a Day can be scheduled on a day and time that suits your calendar.

Web Classes
Are you keen to experience the Liberal Arts and Sciences programme? Could you dedicate up to 2 or 3 hours per week for a period of 4 weeks? Then join the Liberal Arts and Sciences Webclass! In our Webclass, you will learn to combine and integrate knowledge from different disciplines and methodologies and you will also be trained to use your creativity and discover different ways of thinking. Together, these skills and insights will prepare you to find innovative solutions for the challenges of our time. We will give you a taste of our interdisciplinary programme by covering the following topics: Climate Change , Genetics , Intercultural Competencies , and Human Rights.

Do you want to be informed about the latest updates at UCG? Sign up for our monthly newsletter!

Last modified:18 September 2024 2.33 p.m.