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About us Practical matters How to find us S. (Susanne) Scheibe, Prof

Research interests

Aging in the work context, well-being, emotional development across adulthood, emotion regulation, empathy


Employee age moderates within-person associations of daily negative work events with emotion regulation, attention, and well-being

Experience, vulnerability, or overload? Emotional job demands as moderator in trajectories of emotional well-being and job satisfaction across the working lifespan

A lifespan perspective on emotion regulation, stress, and well-being in the workplace

Emotional aging: Recent findings and future trends

Sexual jokes and conversations at the workplace and their relation to employee well-being: Results from a longitudinal study

Whether and How to Regulate: Emotion Regulation in Negative-Feedback Situations

Beliefs about the malleability of professional skills and abilities: Development and validation of a scale

Dealing with Stressful Work Events: Insights for Managers and Employees

Empathising with masked targets: Limited side effects of face masks on empathy for dynamic, context-rich stimuli

Goldilocks work conditions for all ages: Age-conditional effects of work design profiles on well-being

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Can Older And Younger Colleagues Work Really Together Effectively?

Work challenges in times of Covid-19: Older workers need support, younger workers too

Pensioen in zicht: zo voorkom je een zwart gat

Wat als we een voltijdbonus invoeren?

Kabinet kent ruim € 142 miljoen voor wetenschappelijk toponderzoek toe

Millions for scientific research into stress: Quite Unique on this Scale

Oudere RUG-medewerkers kunnen coronacrisis beter aan dan jongere

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