prof. dr. S.A. (Menno) Reijneveld
Professor of Community and Occupational Medicine

s.a.reijneveld umcg.nl
Community medicine; public health; prevention; management. Expertise concerns public health and epidemiology, in particular prevention, early treatment and promotion of health-related social participation. Current research concerns youth and deprived groups.
Other positions
Head of the Dept of Health Sciences; Chairman of the UMCG-Cluster Prevention, Public Health & Primary Care.
Additional activities:
1. Scientific advisor TNO Quality of Life, Leiden, the Netherlands
2. Visiting Professor at the Kosice Institue of Society and Health, Slovakia
3. Member of the Program Committee Knowing What Works for Youth of the national Research and Development Foundation (ZonMw);
4. Advisor of the Foundation on Preventive Child Healthcare North-Netherlands (post-graduate education)
5. Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the National Center on Child Health
6. Member of the Supervisory board of the Knowledge Center on Insurance Medicine
7. Member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Public Health
8. Research Fellow of the Netherlands Interuniversity Demographic Institute (NIDI);
9. Chairman of the NFU-Interuniversity Association on Social Medicine
10.Chairman of the NFU/KNMG-Task force on More physician specialists in public health and primary care
Additional activities:
1. Scientific advisor TNO Quality of Life, Leiden, the Netherlands
2. Visiting Professor at the Kosice Institue of Society and Health, Slovakia
3. Member of the Program Committee Knowing What Works for Youth of the national Research and Development Foundation (ZonMw);
4. Advisor of the Foundation on Preventive Child Healthcare North-Netherlands (post-graduate education)
5. Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the National Center on Child Health
6. Member of the Supervisory board of the Knowledge Center on Insurance Medicine
7. Member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Public Health
8. Research Fellow of the Netherlands Interuniversity Demographic Institute (NIDI);
9. Chairman of the NFU-Interuniversity Association on Social Medicine
10.Chairman of the NFU/KNMG-Task force on More physician specialists in public health and primary care
Last modified: | 11 December 2024 07.39 a.m. |