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P. (Paulien) de Winter

Assistant Professor
Profile picture of P. (Paulien) de Winter

Scriptiecoordinator Juridische Bestuurskunde

Theses on Law and Governance (18 EC) supervised by Paulien de Winter: 

Sanne van de Kamp (2023) - Hogere kiesdrempel: Op de drempel van verandering. Een onderzoek naar de effecten van het invoeren van een hogere kiesdremepel op de kwaliteit van de democratie volgens politici uit de Tweede Kamer
Thijmen Kroesbergen (2023)
- Zakencolleges: een panacee voor het dualisme? Een onderzoek naar de effecten van het instellen van een zakencollege op het dualisme in het gemeentebestuur
Christian Louwerse (2023)
- Publiek verantwoord brandjes blussen. Een analyse van de verantwoordingsstructuur van de Veiligheidsregio’s Amsterdam-Amstelland en Drenthe
Christa Mulder (2022)
- Zoektocht naar ruimte. Een onderzoek naar de invulling van bestuurlijke afwegingsruimte bij handhaving van de inlichtingenplicht door Noord-Nederlandse gemeenten. 
Sanne Galama (2022)
- Zacht wanneer hetkan, hard wanneer het moet? Een onderzoek naar de toepassing van maatwerk bij schendingen van de inlichtingenplicht op grond van de Participatiewet en de Werkloosheidswet. 
Sanne Pellen (2021)
- De Wmo 2015: Een schone zaak? Een onderzoek naar knelpunten omtrent de maatwerkvoorziening huishoudelijke hulp. 
Maarten van Gelderen (2021) - Differentiatie als wapen voor het handhaven van openbare orde binnen de gemeente. 
Silvian Pieters (2021)
- Zo dicht mogelijk langs elkaar heen werken. Een onderzoek naar casusregie bij gezinnen met meervoudige problematiek in Groningen.
Ilya Nawijn (2020) - One size does not fit all. Een onderzoek naar maatwerk in de Participatiewet ten aanzien van re-ingeratie in Groningen.  

Paulien de Winter is involved in the following courses during the 2021-2022 academic year:

Policy Studies (Master)
After this course, students have an extended knowledge of the concepts and theories of policy studies. This enables the students to have a greater understanding of the policy process. In addition, students learn to write a clear and coherent essay on policy making in the public sector. In order to contribute to the quality of policy or to assess policy, it is important to know what factors influence the policy process. Policy science provides the knowledge that can give insight into the course of this process. Themes discussed range from the use of behavioral science knowledge in policy design, the potential for policy change, and the impact of digitization on policy making. In addition to the lectures, which include student presentations and discussions of the academic articles studied, students prepare an essay based on one of the topics covered in class.

Seminar Policy Analysis (Master)
By studying a societal problem in its context, students get a deeper understanding of the policy process. This results in an active knowledge of concepts and theories of policy studies. At the end of the course, students are able to analyse (complex) societal problems and to report about this in a comprehensive way. Through the discussions and presentations during the seminar they learn to formulate their views clearly and concise. Students analyse a societal problem and the potential solutions of the problem. They draft an advise, based on these analyses. The result is a written report, that will be defended during an interview. During the seminar, students presents their work and discuss the results and process among each other. The final grade is based on the written advise, the defence, the presentation and participation during the course.

Introduction Sociology of Law (Bachelor)
Building on several 'classics' from the international socio-legal literature, as well as a number of short films, this course provides an introduction to the study of law and society. The theoretical and empirical literature will be frequently linked to current (legal) examples. This course will also consider the 'social working' of law. How can law influence behaviour? Which factors are important for the effectiveness of legislation and court decisions? The exam will consist of several short questions and one longer essay question. The exam will be an open book exam, which means students are allowed to bring reading material and their notes to the exam.

Administrative Law for non-law students (Bachelor/minor)
Administrative law deals with legal values that apply to the relationships between the administration and civilians. Administrative law is the general aspect of some special fields in law, including spatial administrative law, environmental law, social security law, tax law, economic administrative law, immigration law, et cetera.The emphasis is on a number of key concepts. The course Administrative Law for non-law students aims to provide an overview of the Dutch Administrative Law. This course will introduce students to the basic concepts and categorizations used in Administrative law. In addition, students are introduced to administrative and decision-making law and legal protection law; Subtopics are: – Principles: the principles of legality and legitimacy – Key concepts: administrative body, affected party and decision – Nature of the authority: discretionary and limited powers – Values of the General Administrative Law Act and legal principles – Overview of legal protection against acts of management - Enforcement law: Teaching method: lectures; cases.

Policy Science (Bachelor- spring school)
During this course students will study the policy making process, including agenda-setting, policy decision, formulation, implementation and evaluation. The course exists of 4 2-hour lectures. Student will be given a take-home assignment. The mark on the assignment will form half of the final grade. A final written exam at the end of the course will make up the other half.

Introduction to Empirical Legal Research (Research Master)
This course discusses empirical research methods, such as case study research, interview techniques and surveys. The relevance of these methods in a legal context will be explored. The use of variables, measuring variables, the possibilities and constraints of empirical methods will be discussed. The student learns to write a research proposal using empirical methods.

Last modified:07 December 2023 1.58 p.m.