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University Medical Center Groningen

dr. M.M. (Marina) Schoemaker

Universitair Hoofd Docent

Marina Schoemaker is Associate Professor at the Centre of Human Movement Science, University Medical Centre Groningen. She has a Master Degree in clinical psychology, and finished her PhD about ‘physical therapy for children with Developmental Coordination Disorder’ in 1992 at the department of experimental clinical psychology and developmental psychology of the University of Groningen. In 1992, she got a grant from the ESF to work three months at the department of Education, University of London, UK. Between 1992 and 1997 she was a junior lecturer at the department of experimental clinical psychology and developmental psychology, where she taught courses in motor control and neuropsychology. Since 1997, she works at the Centre of Human Movement Science, first as senior lecturer, and since 2000 as Associate Professor. From 2000 to 2002 she also worked as a research coordinator at the department of Child Rehabilitation of the Rehabilitation Clinic Beatrixoord. Her research interest are assessment (development and evaluation of measuring instruments) and the effectiveness of intervention of children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), physical fitness of children with DCD, as well as experimental studies concerning motor control mechanisms involved in upper extremity performance of children with DCD.

In 1999, she organized the 5th International DCD Conference in Groningen. She is a member of the Dutch DCD Steering Committee, which aims to reach consensus about assessment and intervention in rehabilitation for children with DCD. Since 1998, she has (co)-organized several consensus meetings in the Netherlands. In 2019 she was a member of the scientific committee in charge of organising the 13th International DCD Conference in Jyvaskyla, Finland.

Since 2017, she is the chair of the National Dutch steering committee for DCD, who was involved in the development of the Dutch Clinical Practice Guideline for DCD. She is also a member of the national DCD Research Network, and represents the Netherlands in the International DCD Research Group. 


Laatst gewijzigd:25 juni 2022 01:22