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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons L. (Lorenzo) Squintani, Prof

L. (Lorenzo) Squintani, Prof

Hoogleraar Energierecht / Directeur Wubbo Ockels School voor Energie en Klimaat
Profielfoto van L. (Lorenzo) Squintani, Prof
Secretariaat Energierecht:


An Inconvenient Legal Truth

Climate adaptation

What Law Does Not Understand About Public Participation

Contested climate policies and public participation: An equal-opportunities-and values-based approach (EVA)

Looking Ahead the Road in 2023

Time to talk about values, time to say no: What drives public participation in decision-making on abstract versus concrete energy projects?

Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the General Court

Environmental Scholarship at Times of Crises

Opposing out loud versus supporting in silence: who wants to participate in decision-making about energy projects?

Study on the Harmonisation of EU Environmental Law

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Ashoka University signs MoU with University of Groningen to Strengthen Academic Ties

La protezione della natura, parente povero del piano di ripresa europeo

Nature gets less than 1% of unprecedented EU budget -report

Tenure tracker niet meer automatisch hoogleraar

Northern Knowledge: webinar over publieksparticipatie en draagvlak bij besluitvorming

Windmolens en waarden: hoe trekken we de hedonist over de streep

REFIT and Make it Work – Fit and Working for EU and Dutch (Environmental) Law?

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