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prof. dr. L.M. (Laurens) Sloot

Distinguished professor of Entrepreneurship in Retailing (0,2 fte) & program director Executive MBA (food & retail track, 0,3 fte)
Profile picture of prof. dr. L.M. (Laurens) Sloot
+31 50 36 33686 (Secretary)


Reflections and Predictions on Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Retailing

Digital platform openness: Drivers, dimensions and outcomes

The impact of hard discounter presence on store satisfaction and store loyalty

The relation between manager type and high-performance achievement

Commentary: the impact of digitization on grocery retailing: Why shopping lists might be a valuable tool for brick-and-mortar grocery retailers

Retail disruptors: The spectacular rise and impact of the hard discounters

Analysing supermarket performance with the high performance organisation framework

Het succes van zelfstandig ondernemerschap in de supermarktsector

The moderating role of shopping trip type in store satisfaction formation

High performance management bij franchise-supermarkten


AH to go bestaat 25 jaar: proeftuin voor gewone supermarkt

Jumbo vergelijkt prijzen met Albert Heijn: 'Kan als boemerang terugkomen'

Waarom supermarkten ondanks de hoge kosten toch investeren in online boodschappen bezorgen

'These are the bomb': verkoop speculoos in lift dankzij TikTok en Snoop Dogg

Getir vertrekt, is dit het einde van flitsbezorging?

Lege schappen bij Jumbo: 'Stevige onderhandelingen' met leveranciers

Supermarktketen Plus diep in het rood: ’Ik schrik niet van de cijfers’

Winkels riskeren verlies klanten door overmatig mailen

The Overwhelming Deluge of Retail Emails: How Many is Too Many?