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About us Practical matters How to find us J. (Julian) Hanich, Prof

Research interests

Film and Emotion, Collective Experience of the Cinema, Film Phenomenology, Film Style, Film-Philosophy, Motifs in Film, Genre Studies, Audience/Reception Studies


Cinematic Emotion in Horror Films and Thrillers. The Aesthetic Paradox of Pleasurable Fear (paperback edition)

Auslassen, Andeuten, Auffüllen. Der Film und die Imagination des Zuschauers

Collective Viewing. The Cinema and Affective Audience Interrelations

Toward a Poetics of Cinematic Disgust

Der Sinneast: Über visuelle Akustik in Murnaus Stummfilmkino

Einleitung (zum Band "Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau")

Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau

Modernistisches Slow Cinema: Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell

When the wind's gently rustling: film and the aesthetics of natural beauty

A Plea for Mise en Esprit


At the Movies: To Laugh, Cry or Cringe?

Laughter is a serious business

Delicious goosebumps: Why we're infatuated with fear