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Culturally adapted training for community volunteers to improve their knowledge, attitude and practice regarding non-communicable diseases in Vietnam

Differences in knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding hypertension by access to a community-based screening program (POSBINDU): A cross-sectional study from four districts in Indonesia

Identifying relevant diabetes and hypertension control management guidelines in primary healthcare and community settings in Indonesia: A Delphi survey

Interprofessionele samenwerking en communicatie in het Poortwachtersproces

Clinical stance on response initiation in autistic adults: co-creating an integrative approach based on theory and lived experiences to act from language, via motor movement to wellbeing

Co-occurrence of behavioural risk factors for non-communicable diseases among 40-year and above aged community members in three regions of Myanmar

Identiteitsontwikkeling bij autisme

Knowledge on hypertension in Myanmar: levels and groups at risk

The Impact of the Presence of Intellectual Disabilities on Sensory Processing and Behavioral Outcomes Among Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders: a Systematic Review

The implementation of community-based programs in Vietnam is promising in promoting health


Participatief onderzoek: Echt voor en met de praktijk

"Vrijwilligerswerk en autisme" in online themacafé georganiseerd door Ontwikkelink 050

De regie in eigen hand voor mensen met autisme op de arbeidsmarkt

Aan de slag met Autisme

Nieuwe tool begeleidt levensloop voor mensen met autisme

Lesgeven met Asperger. Veel aandacht voor leerling, maar niet voor docent met autisme.

Autism and work participation (Autisme op de werkvloer)

Autism and work participation. Werken met Autisme vraagt om kennis en aandacht.