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Environmental Psychology

This division constitutes the research unit Environmental Psychology.

Address:Grote Kruisstraat 2/1
9712 TS Groningen
The Netherlands


Ankoné, B.A.H., MSc
PhD Candidate
Blerck, T. van, MSc
Lecturer Environmental Psychology
Bouman, T., PhD
Associate Professor (with ius promovendi)
Chanteloup, A.B.M., MSc
PhD Candidate in Environmental Psychology
Havenga-de Poel, drs. C.
Process manager SMiLES project
Hölzle, L.M., MSc
PhD Student in Environmental Psychology
Jans, dr. L.
Associate Professor Social-Environmental Psychology
Karami Fard, C.
Project coördinator
Keizer, dr. K.E.
Assistant professor
Kok, C.A., MSc
Lee, C.Y., MSc
PhD Candidate in Environmental Psychology
Lohmeyer, M., MSc
PhD Student
Lozano Nasi, V., MA MSc
PhD Candidate in Environmental Psychology
Mlakar, Z., MSc
Postdoctoral Researcher, Environmental Psychology
Pacheco, I.M., MSc
PhD Candidate
Patrasc-Lungu, A., Dr
Postdoctoral researcher - Hydrogen acceptability
Perlaviciute, G., Prof
Associate professor Public acceptability of sustainable transitions
Saila Kumar, S.
PhD Candidate
Sharpe, E.J., Dr
Assistant Professor
Valkengoed, dr. A.M. van
Postdoctoral researcher
Wagner, B., MSc
PhD Candidate
Walker Clarke, C.J., MSc
PhD Candidate - Environmental Psychology
Werff, prof. dr. E. van der
Associate professor environmental psychology
White, T.M.
Communications officer at Environmental Psychology Groningen

PhD students

Eppe, P.S., MSc
PhD student
Koch, J.M.R.
PhD student
Putri, A.S., MSc
PhD student
Schlindwein, L.F.
PhD student
Zhao, L., MSc
PhD student
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