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prof. dr. C. (Christian) Zuidema

Adjunct Hoogleraar Ruimtelijke Planning

2020-2024 PhD@Sea: Facilitating Large Scale Offshore Wind Energy Production by Developing Offshore Storage and Transport Alternatives. Funded by NWO

2018-2022 MAKING CITY: Energy efficient pathway for the city transformation: enabling a positive future. Funded by EU H2020. 

2018 Adaptive Planning. Funded by Dutch Ministry of Internal Affairs

2018-2022 ESTRAC: Energy Systems Transition Center – Regional Energy Modelling. Funded by: ESTRACT National Funding Consortium

2017-2021 MOZAMBIQUE: Energy Systems in Mozambique. Funded by NUFFIC-NICHE

2017-2021 ENSYSTRA: Energy Systems in Transition. Funded by EU H2020 - Marie Curie

2016-2018 INTENSSS-PA A systematic approach for INspring & Training ENergy-Spatial-Socioeconomic Sustainability to Public Authorities. Funded by EU H2020

2016-2017  Energiescan. Finding space for energy production along state inftarstructure. Funded by Rijkswaterstaat

2016-2017 Smart Campus Groningen. Funded by Regio Groningen-Assen

2014-2017 SELFCITY Collective governance, innovation and creativity in the face of climate change. Funded by EU JPI Climate 1: Societal Transformation.

2012-2015 DELaND; Decentrale Energielandschappen in Nederland en Duitsland’ [Decentral Energy Landscapes in the Netherlands and Germany], Funded by: EU Interreg IV programme

2011-2016 MACREDES; MApping the contextual Conditions of REsilient Decentralized Energy System’, Funded by EDgar, Dutch Energy Delta Gas research Consortium.

2010 Duurzame Gebiedsontwikkeling. Naar Inhoudelijke Synergie voor Duurzame gebiedsontwikkeling” [Towards Synergy in Sustainable Area Developments]. Dunded by the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment. 

2009 - 2011 SREX Synergie tussen Ruimtelijke Planning en Exergy [Synergy between Spatial Planning and Exergy] Focus on developing spatial concepts and planning strategies based on using the principle of energy cascading and exergy. Funded by Senter Novem - Netherlands.

2007 – 2008  Lokale Milieukwaliteit Gestimuleerd [Local Environmental Quality Stimulated]. Funded by the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment. 

2005 – 2007 Liveable Cities. Innovative Situation Specific Policies for Urban Sustainability’, international project subsidized by the European Commission and the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment

Laatst gewijzigd:25 juni 2022 16:42