Current projects
The Science Shop Language, Culture and Communication is involved in the following projects:
- Students from the Career minor will do different research projects with their clients: Demy van der Goot, Ana Maria Dumitru, Bianca-Elena Vasile and Stella Oudgenoeg are investigating the feasability of a learning community within Omrop Fryslân, a regional broadcaster. Chris Bakhuis, Sylvana Grasmeijer, David Verspui, Simona Ciupitu and Leanne Pronk are using a playground in Haren as a case to analyse the citizen participation policy in the Municipality of Groningen.
- Each year, around 100 Communication and Information Science students conduct a communication study on social cohesion and neighborhood communication in one of Groningen's city districts.
- Students from different language programmes are writing reading guides for the eldery, in collaboration with Senia.
- Student European Languages and Cultures (ELC) Tereza Dražanová analyses for NGO Empower Yourself the availability of information for Latino's in Groningen, language attitutes and other factors which contribute to the integration of latin-american immigrants in the Netherlands.
- History Student Samira Kunz works on an exhibition plan about Corpus den Hoorn together with Arjen Bakker from 's Heerenloo, an institution for clients with aquired brain injury.
- Student Muteber Boyraz (MA Applied Linguistics) is analysing how the English on low level vocational training can be improved, for Stad & Eschcollege Meppel.
![Students of Communication and Information Sciences doing an interview with an 'Oosterparker'.](/society-business/science-shops/taal-cultuur-en-communicatie/lopende-projecten/688x344-cwr.jpg)
Last modified: | 04 December 2024 3.51 p.m. |
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