This research unit focusses on generating empirical and theoretical insights with regard to the development of (student) teacher learning, and to apply and evaluate these insights in our curriculum and professionalization interventions in secondary and higher education. There are eight major research themes covered by our research unit in which issues of pedagogy and effectiveness are explored .
Our research in secondary education focusses on:
Organizational and cultural factors within schools that support sustainable professional development of teachers
The manifestation and development of subject pedagogical content knowledge
('vakdidactiek') of teachers
The conceptualization and the quality of the operationalization of (aspects of) teaching quality and the determinants of the development of teaching quality at national and cross-country level
- The development and evaluation of professional development interventions (induction arrangements , lesson study, professional learning communities etc.) with regard to processes and outcomes (e.g., teaching skills and teacher well-being and attrition)
Our research in higher education focusses on:
the students and teachers in higher education: their learning, the success factors and the well-being in relation to the learning environment, with specific attention for teacher education
Students, curricula and learning environments
Professional development of teachers in higher education: behaviour, course-, and curriculum design
- Internationalization, policy- and institutional level factors at the national and international level
Last modified: | 19 March 2021 3.09 p.m. |