GRIP research assessment
GRIP research quality and societal relevance assessed as very good to excellent
The quality of the research performed at the Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy (GRIP) was evaluated very good to excellent in the 2016 Research Review of medical and pharmaceutical sciences at the University of Groningen . The peer review committee considered research programmes to meet world-class standards. Next to the academic quality, societal relevance and viability of the research conducted by GRIP researchers was again assessed as very good to excellent.
GRIP research covers multiple aspects of drug discovery, development, and use. The research collaborations with the UMCG have been formalised in the research institutes Groningen University Institute for Drug Exploration (GUIDE) and Science in Healthy Ageing & Healthcare (SHARE) through combined research programmes. The assessment committee has acknowledged that “there are probably very few life science campuses in the world where the pharmaceutical sciences and the ‘clinic’ meet in such a close, systematic and productive manner”.
Research quality
Of the various programmes GRIP researchers are involved in, the research of the programmes BDDD and GRIAC have been assessed by the committee as world class: the BDDD-programme is outstanding in the fields of enzyme-mediated synthesis and pulmonary drug delivery and the research undertaken by GRIAC is in the top 3% of respiratory research worldwide. The committee rated the research high because of the excellent track records of scientific staff, strong links with both the more fundamental researchers of FSE and the clinicians at the UMCG, the excellent integration in national and international networks and the capability of attracting external funding (including prestigious individual grants and industry funds). Transfer of patents to industry demonstrates the relevance of the IP that was generated.
Relevance to society
The output of GRIP research is especially oriented towards the development of products for patients and public health. In collaboration with industry, several products are in various phases of development or have even reached the market. Several researchers of GRIP are highly visible within their subject area and their expertise is in demand in the practice, policy and regulatory space. GRIP programmes participate in public-private partnerships and are therefore well positioned within various societal alignments of the RUG to the outside world.
The emphasis on nurturing talent and the tenure-track programme are important elements of GRIP that will secure its continuing strength. The committee acknowledged GRIP for its high earning capacity: GRIP is responsible for 30% of the RUG patents (based on approximately 50 RUG patent applications during the period under review) and over 90% of the royalty income of the RUG. Given that the drive towards personalised medicine is now at the forefront of therapeutics, GRIP is advised to increase its expertise and contribution in this area of translational science.
Peer Review Committee
All public funded research in the Netherlands are evaluated once every six years by an international and independent peer review committee. They assess research according to the “Standard Evaluation Protocol” that was drawn up by NWO, KNAW and VSNU. The committee was chaired by Prof. dr. Daan J.A. Crommelin, Emeritus professor of Biopharmaceutics, at Utrecht University.
Last modified: | 04 June 2024 1.04 p.m. |