Programme Committees
Programme Committees play an important role with regard to quality assurance within the Faculty. They have close links with the education offered and have an advising role at programme level towards the Faculty Council, the Faculty Board and the Director of Education. The Programme Committee and her tasks are arranged for in Article 9.18 of the Higher Education Act (‘ Wet op het hoger onderwijs en wetenschappelijk onderzoek’ (WHW) ). This article shows three main tasks for the Programme Committee:
Give advice with regard to the Teaching and Examination Regulations (TER);
Give consent with regard to changes of certain parts of the TER;
The annual assessment of the way the TER is/was executed;
Give advice, both consulted and unsolicited, on all issues regarding education within the programme (execution of the education offered, planning of education, study advising, course evaluations, etc.).
The Faculty of Law has nine Programme Committees and one permanent committee dealing with the first year of the Dutch-taught bachelor's degree programme 'Rechtsgeleerdheid' (Law). Each Programme Committee is composed of students and academic staff (equally divided). In addition to the tasks mentioned above, the Programme Committee is also the place for students to report matters to. Students can send complaints, suggestions and problems about courses and/or examinations to the student members of the Programme Committee. The table below shows the email address available for each Programme Committee.
Are you interested in joining a Programme Committee? Student members are selected yearly based on an application procedure which is taken care of by the study association which is linked to the respective programme.
Law (‘Rechtsgeleerdheid’) programme
Responsible for the bachelor 'Rechtsgeleerdheid' (Law), more specifically for the track 'Nederlands Recht' (Dutch Law) and the master 'Nederlands Recht' (Dutch Law) (ocrg
Staff members
prof. dr S.A.J. Munneke (Chair)
+31 50 36 35682
prof. dr K.K. Lindenberg
+31 50 36 38065
Dr C.E. de Jager
+31 6 2136 6836
Dr A.J.H. Smit
+31 50 36 35738
M. Groendijk (Official Secretary)
+31 50 36 39708
Marije Scholten
Marcel Benjamins
Anna Dora Oudemans
Warner Osinga
Koa Sieders
Notarial Law (‘Notarieel Recht’) programme
Responsible for the master 'Notarieel Recht' (Notarial Law).
Staff members
Prof. dr L.C.A. Verstappen (Chair)
+31 50 363 5479
Dr H. Halma
+31 50 36 35479
Dr J.H.M. ter Haar
+31 50 36 38529
Sonja Rus ((temporary) Official Secretary)
+31 6 2459 4024
Mirna Shenouda
Helmich Heutink
Kyara Wolfswinkel
Tax Law ('Fiscaal Recht') programme
Responsible for the master 'Fiscaal Recht' (Tax Law) (ocfr
Staff members
Dr R.P.C. Adema (Chair)
+31 50 36 35605
Dr J. Scholten
+31 50 36 35725
W. Grooten, LLM
+31 50 36 33690
Marian Huizinga (Official Secretary)
+31 50 36 35727
Sanna Wiersinga
Remco Kampstra
Lizzy van Riet
Law and Public Administration ('Recht en Bestuur') programme
Responsible for the master 'Recht en Bestuur' (Law and Public Administration) (ocrb
Staff members
M. Wever, LLM (Chair)
+31 50 36 35261
Prof. dr A. Tollenaar
+31 50 36 35394
dr. B. Brink
+31 50 36 35674
Stephanie Hoenders (Official Secretary)
+31 50 36 35727
Sander Oevering
Fabienne Bax
Jannes Paas
IT-Law ('IT-Recht') programme
Responsible for the master 'IT-Recht' (IT-Law) (ocrict
Staff members
Dr E. Moyakine
+31 50 36 33443
Dr E.D.C. Neppelenbroek (Chair) |
+31 50 36 35774
Dr J. Verstappen
Odyle de Jong (Official Secretary)
+31 50 36 35727
Hendrik van Dijk
Nieke Sloots
Lars de Meijer
International and European Law programme
Responsible for the Bachelor of Laws (LLB) International and European Law programme and its Technology Law track (LLB
Staff members
Prof. dr P. Merkouris (Chair)
+31 50 36 38258
Dr J. Milaj-Weishaar
+31 50 36 38074
Katja Zimmermann, LLM
+31 50 36 35767
Yasmine Bouzoraa, LLM
+31 50 36 33600
Cristiana Zamfir (Official Secretary)
+31 50 363 9504
Nour Taki
Peter Capkovic
Franciszek Zowczak
Maria Ptaszek
Energy and Climate Law, European Law in a Global Contex, International Commercial Law and Technology Law and Innovation programme
Responsible for the Master of Laws (LLM) Energy and Climate Law (ECL), LLM European Law in a Global Context (ELGC), and its Technology Law and Innovation (TLI) track, and International Commercial Law (ICL) (LLM
Staff members
Dr R.C. Fleming (ECL)
+31 50 36 35632
Dr J. Lindeboom (ELGC; Chair)
+31 50 36 35381
Dr K.C. Henckel (ICL)
+31 50 36 35075
Dr M.L. Flórez Rojas (TLI)
Cristiana Zamfir (Official Secretary)
+31 50 363 9504
Areti Panidou (ECL)
Edna Sovic (ELGC)
Kitti Kovacs (ICL)
William Cole (TLI)
Global Criminal Law, International Human Rights Law and Public International Law programme
Responsible for the Master of Laws (LLM) Global Criminal Law (GCL), LLM Public International Law (PIL) and its International Human Rights Law (IHRL) track (LLM
Staff members
Dr Laura Peters (GCL)
+31 50 36 35746
Dr A. Tsampi (IHRL)
+31 50 36 33295
Dr Marlies Hesselman (PIL; Chair)
+31 50 36 35667
Cristiana Zamfir (Official Secretary)
+31 50 363 9504
Yosefin Mulyaningtuas (GCL)
Monique van Cauwenberghe (IHRL)
Joanna Helt (PIL)
Research Master Legal Research ('Rechtswetenschappelijk Onderzoek')
Responsible for the Research Master programme 'Rechtswetenschappelijk Onderzoek' (Legal Research).
Staff members
Prof. Dr O.O. Cherednychencko (Chair)
+31 50 36 35658
Dr K.V. Gorobets
Prof. Dr A. Tollenaar
+31 50 36 35394
Marjolijn Both (Official Secretary)
+31 50 36 35936
Anne Veldkamp
Tessa van Hooren
Sarah Horjus
Permanent Committee for the Dutch-taught first year ('propaedeuse')
Staff members
Prof. Dr H.D. Tolsma (chair)
+31 50 36 37251
C.E. Huls, LLM
+31 6 3198 2444
S.R. Huisman, LLM
+31 50 36 35630
Dr L. Jensma
+31 50 36 36765
N. Mirzojan, LLM
+31 50 36 32547
Dr B. Roorda
+31 50 36 37040
Vita Kanis
Margriet van Goor
Jonas ter Haar
Dr J.J. Dijkstra
+31 50 36 35784
Annelina Antonides (Official Secretary)
+31 50 36 35727
Last modified: | 21 May 2024 1.07 p.m. |