Avril McDonald lecture by Christine van den Wyngaert, judge International Criminal Court, 20 March
This year’s topic will be “International criminal justice at a crossroads? - New challenges for the ICC”. Judge Baroness Christine van den Wyngaert will provide an insight into this evolving field of law. Both expert in the field of International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law, she is judge at the ICC and has been awarded a prestigious medal by the Flemish government and granted the title of Baroness for her contribution to penal law.
The yearly Avril McDonald lecture will be organized by student organizations Vintres and Nexus in collaboration with the Department of International and Constitutional Law of the Faculty of Law. This lecture is dedicated to Avril McDonald, a scholar in the fields of international humanitarian law and international criminal law, who passed away in 2010 at the age of 44.
The lecture will be held at the Senaatszaal in the Academie Building and commences at 15:00, 20th March 2015.
Last modified: | 19 January 2024 09.05 a.m. |
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