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Refugee and Asylum Law (6 ECTS)

Lecturer(s): mr. dr. V.M. Bex-Reimert (coordinator)

When: Block 3

Brief course description:
This course examines issues concerning refugees and asylum seekers in an international context. The world is facing a huge number of refugees all over the world. The number of displaced persons is increasing everywhere. Because of the continuing development of means of transportation and communication, the western world also faces a huge challenge. This course will focus on the on both international standards, such as the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the New York protocol and the still developing Common European Asylum System.
The first three lectures will focus on international standards and more specifically on the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the New York Protocol. Questions relating persecution, grounds for persecution, internal flight alternative, internally displaced persons, the concept of safe countries, exclusion and cessation and non-refoulement will be explored. The last three lectures will examine case law of the European Court of Human Rights on the concept of non-refoulement, the development and challenges of the Common European Asylum System and the Dutch asylum system. In the last week, a guest lecture or a visit to a reception facility will be made. Students have the option to make one assignment. The grade on this assignment can be used to replace one, on forehand by the lecturer determined, ten point question of the written exam.

Teaching method: Lectures.

Assessment: Assignment / extra question, written exam (essay questions) (digital if possible). Students have the option to make one assignment. The grade on this assignment can be used to replace one, on forehand by the lecturer determined, ten point question of the written exam.

*Official course information and schedules during the academic year can be found in Ocasys.

Last modified:05 April 2023 11.46 a.m.