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About us Faculty of Law International programmes Incoming exchange (guest students) Course Information

Introduction to Economics (5 ECTS)

Lecturer(s): prof. dr. E. Woerdman (coordinator)

When: Block 4

Brief course description:
The central question of this course is: how does the economy work, including markets, and when is government intervention necessary? The microeconomics part of the course focuses on consumer behavior, producer behavior and market equilibrium. Different market structures (monopolies and oligopolies) and market imperfections (e.g. external effects) are discussed. The consequences of various government interventions are examined. The macroeconomics part explains the working of the economy as a whole, including the global economy, as well as policy options to address inflation and recession. This module is specifically designed for students of the International and European Law LLB programme. It prepares students for the course Economics of International Trade and International Finance later in the curriculum.

Teaching method: Lectures, working groups (tutorials).

Assessment: Assignment(s), written exam (essay questions) (digital if possible).

*Official course information and schedules during the academic year can be found in Ocasys.

Last modified:05 April 2023 11.25 a.m.