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Energy Market Law (6 ECTS)

Lecturer(s): dr. L. Diestelmeier, prof. mr. dr. M.M. Roggenkamp (coordinator) and guest lecturers

When: Block 2

Brief course description:
This course focuses on the legal framework applying to liberalized energy markets. Energy market liberalization is a global phenomenon but this course will focus in particular on the EU legal framework. In the EU the energy sector is being liberalized and re-regulated since the early 1990s. This process has a major impact on the organization of the market and the way in which the production and supply of oil, gas and electricity is organized and regulated. This has in particular had an impact on the organization of the electricity and gas networks and the way in which consumers and producers can achieve access to these networks. As the EU not only relies on secondary legislation governing the energy sector, the course will also focus on the effect of primary EU Law as an instrument to create an internal energy market.

Teaching method: Lectures and one afternoon excursion.

Assessment: Written exam (essay questions).

*Official course information and schedules during the academic year can be found in Ocasys.

Last modified:04 April 2023 2.16 p.m.