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Climate Law (6 ECTS)

Lecturer(s): dr. L. Diestelmeier ,dr. R.J.G. Mauger, PhD., prof. dr. E. Woerdman (coordinator) and guest lecturers

When: Block 2

Brief course description:
This course aims at familiarizing students with the laws and regulations that intend to combat climate change, in particular those applying to the energy sector. The energy sector is a major emitter of greenhouse gases. Various laws and regulations have been designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and stimulate climate-friendly energy sources. The course first pays attention to international climate law and then moves on to discuss European climate law and its implementation in the Member States. The international legal framework and negotiations are discussed first, including the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement. Thereafter the flexible instruments will be examined that allow governments and companies to achieve their emission reduction targets in a cost-effective way. This requires a study of, for instance, International Emissions Trading and the Clean Development Mechanism, but also the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative in the USA, the EU Emissions Trading Scheme as well as carbon trading schemes in Asian countries, such as China and South Korea. The course will then zoom in on climate law in the EU, focusing on the EU Emissions Trading Scheme as well as the regulation of renewables and energy-efficiency in the EU. The legal design of carbon capture and storage (CCS) will also be treated, discussing issues like financial incentives, safety norms and liabilities for potential damage. Finally, developments in the field of climate change litigation will be highlighted for different jurisdictions. The course is taught by lecturers of the University of Groningen as well as by lecturers from legal practice which provides students with enhanced knowledge of their professional prospects.

Teaching method: Lectures plus in-class discussions.

Assessment: Written exam (essay questions).

*Official course information and schedules during the academic year can be found in Ocasys.

Last modified:04 April 2023 1.49 p.m.