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Pedagogical and Educational Sciences

International master students

Welcome to the master programmes of Pedagogical and Educational Sciences at the University of Groningen. On this page we will keep you informed of all important information about the start of your studies.

Introductory meetings for the study start in February

Start meetings Pedagogical Sciences

Introduction Ethics of Education
Introduction Youth 0-21,
Society and Policy

Start meetings Educational Sciences

Onderwijskunde/Learning in Interaction
3 February 2025, 11-12 rs
Munting building, M0074

On 9 September, study association ODIOM is organising an event for pre-master students of Pedagogy and Educational Sciences and for master students of Pedagogy and Educational Sciences.

During this event, several speakers will talk about their expertise and experience in the field. The event will take place in the evening. Registration is likely to open in week 35.
More information to follow.

Information for new students from other universities or faculties

Faculty welcome meeting
Monday 27 January, 15:00-approx. 16:30
Munting building, room M.0061
Library instruction
Wednesday 29 January 13:00-14:00
Munting building, room M.0061

The Munting building can be entered via the main entrance of the Heymans building, Grote Kruisstraat 2/1.

Floorplan faculty BSS

Practical information

can be found (after you have registered) in the Student Portal under Study Info.

You will find more information under the relevant programme:

Under Advice and Support

Study advice and support
Studying with special circumstances
Student Service Centre --> courses and training, studying effectively, academic writing, dealing with exam stress Confidential advisor

Under General information

Board of Examiners --> for applying for exemptions, elective credits, complaints, etc. and for questions about exams

Under General information University of Groningen, support

Student well-being

Under Facilities

Career Services BSS--> career information

University Library

On the University Library site you will find practical information. For this, also visit the library instrucution for which you will receive an invitation (see information above)

Attendance at GMW faculty courses

Practicals/workshops are usually compulsory.
Lectures are usually not compulsory, but it is strongly recommended to attend all lectures.

Before you start (to-do list)

After you have completed your registration (tuition payment arranged, photo uploaded for your student card), you will receive your student card and statement of enrollment.

If you have not yet completed your registration, please check the registration procedure (for non-Dutch qualification) to see which steps you still need to complete.

For a good start in September, go through the following steps:

Visit the Student Portal

In the Student Portal you will find all the information related to your studies. Explanation about the Student Portal can be found on the tutorial page.

Check your schedule

During the study start week, there are introduction lectures. We expect you to attend these because important information about the study will be provided.

On the tutorial page, you will find instructions on how to access the correct schedule information.

Order your books

If you become a member of the study association, you get a discount on your textbooks.
More information can be found under 'study association' on this page.

Sign up for the study association

Registration is not compulsory.

The study association also organises activities for master's students.
More information can be found under 'Study association' on this page.

Watch the tutorial page

As a student at the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, you use various online applications, such as the Student Portal, the Schedule Generator, the Course Catalog, and Progress. Below you will find explanations on how to use these applications.

Study Association ODIOM

ODIOM is de studievereniging voor Pedagogische Wetenschappen en Academische Opleiding Leraar Basisonderwijs in Groningen. ODIOM organiseert gedurende het hele jaar verschillende activiteiten, zoals gastcolleges, borrels, binnen- en buitenlandse excursies en een jaarlijks gala.

Boeken bestellen

Als lid van ODIOM krijg je korting op je studieboeken.

De boekenverkoop zal ongeveer half augustus starten. ODIOM-leden ontvangen op dat moment verder informatie per e-mail.

Wil je meer weten over ODIOM of lid worden? Bekijk dan de website en de socials:

Instagram: @tomodiom
Facebook: Tom van ODIOM
Snapchat: tomvanodiom

Links and contact information

Frequently Asked Questions

Studying with special needs

If you still have questions after consulting the FAQ, please contact:

  • the Student Service Desk and Administration of the Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences ((information about the study program, course registration, exemptions, appointment with a student advisor))

Infonet BSS
Available when enrolled.

Social media

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Last modified:27 January 2025 12.27 p.m.
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