
Dr. J. (Jana) Knot-Dickscheit
The head of the Centre of Expertise. Dr Knot-Dickscheit is an associate professor within the Department of Child and Family Welfare at the University of Groningen and is specialized in applied and theoretical research into family-oriented interventions and the quality of care for youth and families with multiple and complex problems.
The University of Groningen has also seconded her to Municipal Mental Health Service [GGZ] institution Molendrift in Groningen. At Molendrift, she also works as a mental health care psychologist and cognitive behavioural therapist as a member of the association for cognitive behavioural therapy (VCGt) and she is responsible for the link between research and practice.
A book edited by Jana, in cooperation with Professor Erik Knorth, entitled Gezinnen met meervoudige en complexe problem: Theorie en praktijk [Families with multiple and complex problems: Theory and Practice]. This book is used by universities and universities of applied sciences to train social workers, family supporters and professionals in the field of special education.
Jana has been involved with the development and revision of the national guidelines for families with multiple and complex problems [Richtlijn Multiprobleemgezinnen/Richtlijn Gezinnen met meervoudige en complexe problemen].
Furthermore, Jana is involved with Kenniswerkplaatsen in Groningen (C4Youth) and Friesland, sheadvises various municipalities about this target group and is part of the network for integral care (netwerk Integrale zorg the network for integral care).
Jana is a highly sought-after keynote speaker at international conferences on this topic.

Dr. L. (Loraine) Visscher
Is an assistant professor at the University of Groningen, Department of Orthopedagogy: Child and Family Welfare.
Loraine's research focuses on effective elements of interventions for families with multiple and complex problems (FMCP) and on what is needed to be able to apply these elements in daily practice.
Loraine obtained her PhD in 2022 with a study into the content and effective elements of eight intensive family interventions for FMCP. She is currently working on a follow-up project in which she is developing two workshops for professionals together with adolescents, parents and professionals, aimed at collaborating with the social network of FMCP and involving children during care. She is also working on a study on the role of sex and gender in FMCP interventions and is involved in a project on resilience of FMCP. In addition to her research tasks, Loraine is a lecturer in Child and Family Welfare. In this role, she coordinates the Master's internship, supervises Master's internships and theses, and provides lectures.

Dr. G. (Arjen) Van Assen
Is assistant professor at the University of Groningen, Department of Orthopedagogy: Child and Family Welfare.
His research focuses on the care for families experiencing complex and multiple problems. In his PhD research - Taking Care Together: a dual key worker approach for families experiencing complex and multiple problems (May 2022) - he investigated the effectiveness of the simultaneously provided child-orientated care and family-oriented care (10 voor Toekomst) in families with complex and multiple problems.
Arjen's research mainly focuses on issues of effectiveness, monitoring, evaluation and decision-making about interventions for families with complex and multiple problems. In addition to his research tasks, he works as a lecturer Pedagogical Sciences at the University of Groningen. Since 2015, he has been active as a co-founder and board member at the EUSARF Academy, an international network for PhD students and early stage researchers in the field of family support and residential care. He is also involved, as a researcher and data analyst, in the Academic workplace [De Academische Werkplaats] or Severe and Multiple Disabilities.

O.D. (Onne) Raspe
is a third-year student Orthopedagogy and is student assistant at the Centre of Expertise.

L.T. (Lysbert) Zeinstra, PhD candidate
is an orthopedagogue and educationalist and since 2021, she is a PhD candidate at the University of Groningen and Erasmus University Rotterdam. In her PhD research, she investigates the effectiveness of the intervention Child IN Healthy System (KINGS), an innovative and trauma-informed treatment for adolescents with complex trauma, severe behavioral problems and their traumatized parents. In addition to her research duties, Lysbert teaches students in the Bachelor of Pedagogical Sciences and Master of Orthopedagogy at Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Hans Knot
is coordinator Alumni of Orthopedagogics Groningen and supports the Centre of Expertise in communication and PR.
Last modified: | 03 February 2025 4.29 p.m. |