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Accountancy students FEB win NBA Impact Challenge

15 February 2023
The FEB students at the finals of the NBA Impact Challenge
The FEB students at the finals of the NBA Impact Challenge

Thomas Greidanus, Stefan Veltman, Allard de Vries and Arnoud Reitsema, accountancy students at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), have recently won the Royal Netherlands Association of Accountants (NBA) Impact Challenge. For the second time in a row, a team from FEB has won this annual challenge.

The NBA Impact Challenge

For the past three years, the NBA Impact Challenge has introduced students to the accounting profession. The students work on practical case studies during guest lectures. In the end six teams in total qualify for the finals, two teams each from havo, vwo and higher education.


This year, the case study revolved around two young entrepreneurs with their coffee shop 'Nossa Barista': a coffee shop that uses sustainable coffee beans. As accountants, the students gave advice on how the entrepreneurs can best deal with various issues.

During the finals, after a short pitch, the six teams received a number of questions from the jury. The jury, consisting of Kris Douma (chairman NBA), Adrianca Mens (BDO), Mark Vaessen (KPMG) and Maaike Westra (board member NBA Young Profs), praised the high level of all finalists: "They have shown in different ways what can be expected from an accountant."

Accompanying lecturer Teye Marra is proud: "Very nice to see that a group of students who have followed our course 'Boekhouden, Accountancy & Controlling' have been able to successfully test their knowledge in practice. Congratulations! "

Last modified:22 February 2023 1.47 p.m.
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