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Harry Garretsen appointed at the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities

11 February 2021
Professor Harry Garretsen. Photo: Reyer Boxem
Professor Harry Garretsen. Photo: Reyer Boxem

Professor Harry Garretsen has been appointed a member of the Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (KHMW, Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities) on 6 February.

Garretsen is Professor of International Economics & Business at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Groningen (UG). His field of research has traditionally been the international monetary and trade economy and the link between economics and geography. For several years now, his research has focused on the interface between economics, leadership and management.

Garretsen is also director of the Centre of Expertise In the Lead. Together with Professor Janka Stoker (UG, co-director ofIn the Lead and KHMW member since 2020) he wrote the book "Goede leiders zweven niet” (Taking hot air out of leadership).

The KHMW was founded in 1752. Ever since its establishment, the KHMW has been involved in promoting science and facilitating exchange between academia and society.

More information

For more information, you can contact Professor Harry Garretsen.

Last modified:01 February 2023 4.20 p.m.
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