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Education University of Groningen Summer Schools

Room for talent and creativity

The University of Groningen provides top-quality education to students from every continent and from every walk of life, to help them prepare for their (international) careers. As such, Groningen offers a varied range of interesting, highly regarded degree programmes, a great many of which are taught in English. In addition to this, the University provides space for the personal ambitions and qualities of those students who want to do more. Our Honours College, University College Groningen and our Top Master’s programmes, for instance, are designed for those students who really want to get the best out of themselves.

At the University of Groningen, we invite all students and staff, whether Dutch or international, to look beyond the obvious, to be involved, purposeful and creative, and to engage in scientific and social debates on issues both local and global. This ‘only’ requires an open mind, the courage to make and repair mistakes, and the willingness to share and contribute. Try one of our summer schools, to get a taste of our approach!

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Last modified:17 August 2020 08.45 a.m.