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Education Student Service Centre Studying with special needs Additional information

Studielink question

During the application procedure in Studielink, you will be asked the following question (among others):

“The University of Groningen wants to make sure that students who need study support are kept well informed. This may include providing information for students with a functional impairment (dyslexia, AD(H)D, ASD) or a chronic illness, etc. Or for students who are interested in receiving support for no particular reason.

Would you like to receive information on this subject?”

We would like to explain why we ask you this question and how answering this question with 'yes' can help you during your (preparations for) life as a student.

Why do we ask this question?

There are two main reasons why we ask this question:

  1. The University of Groningen wants to be an inclusive university, in which students with disabilities or with health problems are an integral part of the academic community. The active obligation to provide inclusive education is laid down in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and in the Equal Treatment of Disabled and Chronically Ill People Act. One aspect of inclusive education is, for example, the provision of examination facilities (such as extra time) for students with a physical or mental functional impairment.

  2. In addition, students who do not have disabilities or health problems may also need study support. For example, they might want to do a workshop on how to study effectively or a course on how to improve their presentation skills.

The University of Groningen also wants to support these groups of students as much as possible. This includes the provision of adequate information about the possibilities available. The application process in Studielink is a good way to get an idea of the target group, so that we can already start providing information before or during the summer holidays. This also gives you plenty of time to process the information, to take the necessary action in good time and to prepare well for the start of your degree programme. This might include things like arranging the desired examination facilities or finding a study buddy, or registering for courses that are dedicated to improving study skills.

If I answer “Yes”, does that indicate that I have a functional impairment or health problem?

No. If you answer “Yes”, you simply indicate that you would like to receive information about the possibilities that are available for study support. Students without disabilities or health problems are also often interested in this information and therefore answer “Yes” to this question.

We deliberately make no distinction between these groups, because we know that some students find it difficult to indicate that they have been diagnosed with a functional impairment or health problem. We cannot deduce that information from your answer.

Does my answer affect my chances of admission and/or selection for a degree programme?

No. Your answer will only be used to send you relevant information, if you answer “Yes”. Your answer will not be used...

  • assess your application
  • decide whether or not to admit you to a degree programme
  • the selection process of a selective degree programme
  • ...etc.

Am I obliged to answer this question?

You use Studielink to apply for a degree programme. You do not need to answer this question for the application process. This question does not affect your admission to the degree programme. As such, you do not have to answer this question if you do not want to. If you choose the answer option “Skip this question”, the application process will continue to the next step.

What is the difference between the options “No” and “Skip this question”?

If you do not want to receive this information, it does not really matter if you answer “No” or “Skip this question”. The University of Groningen is required to provide both options due to strict privacy policies that have been in place for some time. For both answers, the following applies: you will not receive the information mentioned, and nothing else will be done with your answer.

Who will be able to see my answer?

If you answer the question with “No” or “Skip this question”, your answer will not be seen or used by anybody. If you answer “Yes”, your answer will be seen and processed by:

  • One of the five student counsellors at the University of Groningen. They will use your answer to send you relevant information by email.

  • One or more study advisors at the faculty responsible for your degree programme. The study advisors may send you additional relevant information, depending on the degree programme and the faculty in which you are studying.

Will my answer be treated confidentially?

Yes. The student counsellors and study advisors at the University of Groningen observe a professional code of trust. This means that they will never share information about you with third parties without your explicit consent. In this case, it means that they will not share your answer to the question with others.

What kind of information can I expect to receive?

Around / during the summer holidays (well before the start of the new academic year) you can expect information about the subject in question by e-mail. In addition, an e-mail will be sent around the start of the academic year with an announcement for specific information meetings on the subject in question. Both e-mails are sent by the UG student counsellors. Study advisors for some (so not all!) degree programmes may choose to also send you an additional e-mail with information, around/after the start of the academic year.

During your studies you can expect an e-mail newsletter from the Student Service Centre twice a year, containing up-to-date information on the subject. Of course you can unsubscribe from this newsletter at any time, if you do not need it.

Last modified:02 January 2025 12.19 p.m.
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